Tag: quiz

  • QUIZ! Which Christmas Song Are You?

    QUIZ! Which Christmas Song Are You?

    1.  When do you put up Christmas decorations? A.  When I have the time and energy. B.  When my Tinder date is there to help.  It’s called “foreplay.” C.  The day after Thanksgiving!  It’s always THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING.  Earlier than that is TOO SOON, but if you don’t have decorations up by Black Friday,…

  • QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    1.  What types of activities do your #squad typically enjoy doing? A.  We get into all sorts of trouble.  Like, literal trouble. B.  Dishing about our sex lives! C.  Something courageous and selfless, aww. D.  Dishing about our sex lives…or should I say, lack thereof. 2.  What food do you serve your #squad besties? A. …

  • QUIZ!  Which Thanksgiving Food Are You?

    QUIZ! Which Thanksgiving Food Are You?

    1.  What do you wear to Thanksgiving Dinner? A.  Well, if I have time, I’m going to change out of this apron and into a nice outfit. B.  Call me when the food’s ready, I’m still wearing the pajamas I slept in. C.  Are jeans too casual?  I should wear a shirt with a collar,…

  • QUIZ!  Which Disney Princess Explains Why You’re In Therapy?

    QUIZ! Which Disney Princess Explains Why You’re In Therapy?

    1.  Let’s talk about your mother. A. She’s not in the picture. B. She wants me to be just like her! C. I’d rather talk about my relationship? D. Okay, whatever you’d like. 2.  How is your life going? A.  I would rather escape to a fantasy world. B.  I’m having an identity crisis! C. …

  • QUIZ!  What Social Media Are You?

    QUIZ! What Social Media Are You?

    These five simple questions will help you determine your Social Media SOULMATE!!! 1.  You meet three of your best friends for brunch!  Yay!  What do you spend the meal doing? a.  Filling everyone in on which of your friends are pregnant or engaged b.  Cracking witty observational quips about the specials with the waitress –…