Tag: hipster Brooklyn

  • Yes, Vale Park Is Hip, And I Found It First

    Yes, Vale Park Is Hip, And I Found It First

      Vale Park isn’t a city park. It isn’t even a state park. Far from a National Park! Vale Park is an elevated green space, part of the William Vale, a trendy boutique hotel in Williamsburg. So it’s not really an official park, but it’s like, an alternative park?   Located basically a block away from the Bedford Avenue L station,…

  • The Beauty of Bushwick

    The Beauty of Bushwick

      My Instagram account is now a street art appreciation account. This blog is now a street art appreciation blog.   With spring sloooowly inching the mercury higher, I’ve been making little efforts to get out of bed and get out more. The smallest of these efforts being strolling trips out and about in my…

  • On The (Greenpoint) Waterfront

    On The (Greenpoint) Waterfront

      I. Love. Being on the NYC coastline.   I like beaches??? Idk. There’s something about being on the EDGE of land. Where land meets water. It feels RISKY and DANGEROUS, like when I went through that weird phase of putting bowls and coffee cups close to the edge of countertops and tables absentmindedly, RIP…

  • Nice Landing

    Nice Landing

      After all the upheaval that was the past few months, I think you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve made a rather nice landing.     For example: my landings. Yes, on the landings in between floors of my building, people leave free stuff for everyone to sift through! Old furniture, clothes, dishes, and…

  • Not yr “Bubble”

    Not yr “Bubble”

    I wanted to be “over it,” but I’m not “over it.” As much as it pains me to accept the comparison, I — much like the Pubescent-Elect — am upset over an SNL skit. First, you have to watch the video. Watch it aaaaaaaall the way to the end. That last joke! The one at Brooklyn’s…