I Love You, Trader Joe

Once a month, we go grocery shopping.  And like everything we do, we do it COMPLETELY.  Over the top.

And because I am a terrible cook:

Here is why I love Trader Joe!:

1.  It’s SO CHEAP!  A month’s worth of groceries here costs what a week’s worth of groceries cost at all the other grocery stores in the city.  And I’m not kidding. 

2.  It’s SO FAST!  Checkout takes five minutes, whether you’re 5th in line or 25th in line.  And they play sweet tunes while you wait, so it doesn’t even feel like you’re waiting!

3.  The food is GOOD.  See that Palak Paneer?  Better than the delivery stuff we used to pay $15 a plate for.  At much, much, MUCH cheaper, to boot!  It’s no secret that I love Channa Masala…now I can have it whenever I want and it’s ALWAYS spicy, NEVER bitter.  Perfect!

4.  They have vegetarian food out the ying-yang.  At most grocery stores, the veggie foods are tucked away in the “health” section, and you have to stand around scanning ingredient lists for the presence of “beef heads” or “chicken feet” or whatever you carnivores eat.  Here, it’s kind of the opposite:  “vegetarian until proven guilty,” if you will.

5.  The options are vast and varied!  It may look like we have just spent $100 on a freezer full of frozen Indian entrees and polenta – but that’s just the beginning.  We also have mango juice, mini pitas, hummus, lentil soup, enchiladas, new potatoes in herbs with green beans, cheese sticks, pink lemonade, popcorn, cookie butter, ravioli, and Greek pizzas.  It’s not just food you have to eat, it’s food you WANT to eat. 

6.  Trader Joe’s is frequently among the most ethical companies, for how they run their business, and how they treat their employees.  I’m all for social conscience!

7.  There’s a laid-back, super cool atmosphere in the store – employees are always happy and nice (today they complimented my dress!), they wear super cute Hawaiian shirts, and like I mentioned, the music is super cute and chill.  Last time, I heard “Watching the Wheels” by John Lennon!  One of my favourites!  Any place that gets my music taste, gets my business!  I don’t even care if that’s shallow!

Do you have a Trader Joe’s near you?
Have you tasted the cookie butter?
What’s your favourite Trader Joe’s product?
Let me know in the comments!


7 responses to “I Love You, Trader Joe”

  1. this post just killed me. Trader Joes is one of the things I have missed most since I moved to Germany! Seriously, it's the BEST!!! I pretty much lived on that polenta for a while. I can't wait to move back to CA and just fill up my shopping cart with EVERYTHING!!!

  2. There's one a little over an hour away from us and we've never been.
    A good friend of mine goes every so often and stocks up, loves it.
    I keep telling my husband we really need to go!!

  3. We don't have these here in BC as far as I know…. and as a vegetarian… this makes me so. sad.

  4. After reading this, I wish we had a Trader Joe's in my area. At the very least, just to try it!

  5. I have never heard of Trader Joe's! Sounds like my kind of store!

  6. THERE IS NO TRADER JOE'S IN UTAH. what. Sometimes I have friends smuggle me their 21 Season Salute because it is good. On EVERYTHING. Mm.

  7. I LOVE Trader Joe's!! Love love love it. We've got one right by where we live, and I still don't think we shop there enough. It's the only place we shop to get our wine and beer because it's so darn cheap, but lately we've started to buy more food there. I love their small frozen lunches to bring to work, especially the spinach and cheese pasta!

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