Sweetness is Sweet

Last Monday, at work, I struck up a conversation with a customer.  Like I always do.  That’s pretty much my job – welcome people and make them feel comfortable and happy.  Like a hostess at a restaurant, I guess?  Sometimes I hand out free samples, too.  Not a bad gig.

So, this conversation.  I was probably giving directions to the bathroom, then ended up recommending ice cream flavors.  This older gentleman was really nice.  He had brought his daughters to the store and was letting them run wild and find candy.

And here it gets weird.  He tells me I have a sweet attitude and that there should be more people like me in the world.  He offered to buy me a cupcake…but I told him I couldn’t accept it (Legally? Probably?) and thanked him for the sentiment.  A few minutes later this came downstairs:

It was this cupcake!!!

And so I ate it:

Be sweet and sweets will come to you?


3 responses to “Sweetness is Sweet”

  1. YES!!! SWEET KARMA!!! Swarma?

  2. Oh hells yeah. Love your face in the picture. Cupcake looks pretty good too.

  3. Gotta love it when people are kind

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