Happy International Woman’s Day #IWD2017

I was going to post something entirely different today, or post nothing at all (WOMEN’S STRIKE!) but then, I started thinking about it, and I started getting all misty-eyed about it, and I realized that I really wanted to wish a lot of people Happy Women’s Day, and that it was NOT going to fit onto Twitter, so I started up here.


Happy International Women’s Day to the team at BUST. I truly never felt more proud to be a woman than when I was in your midst. Thank you for embodying all facets of being a woman in this world, and allowing me to use your platform to promote my feminist agenda, all while being so rad and cool.


Happy International Women’s Day to the Femnasty team! Our conversations are always inspiring, and it makes me so proud to be a part of a group of such strong, smart, capable, and forward-thinking women. Thanks for laughing at my GIFs, also. I treasure our connection and the mission we all hold dear.


Happy International Women’s Day to all bloggers, everywhere! Though you may be looked down upon for seizing hold of the “trendy” Internet to tell your own narrative, I understand that you (and I!) had no better chance to tell our own stories than through the grassroots platform of writing, for yourself, for free. That is a gift. I respect the ever-loving-fuck out of ALL OF YOU, for all your hard work.


Happy International Women’s Day to Roxane Gay. Bad Feminist meant so much to me.


Happy International Women’s Day to all the female entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and business owners. I recognize all your hard work and determination and I celebrate you, especially today!


Happy International Women’s Day to my beloved, departed trainwrecks: Amy Winehouse. Marilyn Monroe. Anna Nicole. Fuck society for shunning you despite — or perhaps because of — your talents, ambitions, and vulnerabilities. Rest in peace.


Happy International Women’s Day to the girls I taught two years ago. I never stop thinking about you. I hope for the best futures for all of you. You are all so worthy.


Happy International Women’s Day to the Kardashian-Jenner daughters. Thank you for showing the world your private lives, even though society wants to reduce you to your butts. You are multifaceted and powerful and kind. I praise you for living your truths.


Happy International Women’s Day to the organizers of the Women’s March, especially Linda Sarsour, whose dedication to fighting for equality while she is torn down by her detractors is surely the embodiment of the struggle we celebrate today.


Happy International Women’s Day to my trans sisters, who I am so proud to know. Thank you for your voices, and thank you for doing what nobody should have to do on a daily basis: tirelessly defend and explain your right to exist. You deserve to be celebrated so hard, especially today.


Happy International Women’s Day to all the sex workers who risk their lives and safety to do jobs that earn them scorn and disrespect. I treasure you and hope I can support you.


Happy International Women’s Day to Bana Alabed, whose tweets made the whole world take notice of human suffering and the reality of the refugee crisis.  There are no words to describe your bravery.


Happy International Women’s Day to my friends! To the women who listen and share, who laugh at TMI period stories, who share my frustrations with catcalling, whose insightful conversation and meaningful connections remind me on a deep and personal level of just how damn special women are.


Happy International Women’s Day to the famous women who inspire me personally and who made the world a better place: Janet Mock, Hillary Clinton, Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, Yoko Ono, Beyoncé, Lauren Duca, Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, and all of you, until this chain of love & respect goes all the way around the world. We are the majority! We are vital! We are celebrated today and I am so humbled to count myself among your amazing ranks. Happy International Women’s Day!



One response to “Happy International Woman’s Day #IWD2017”

  1. Awesome Post!!! Happy International Women’s day to you too!!!!

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