Currently… in April 2020


dont @ me, this photo was taken last month before the world ended and we all had to go inside.


FEELING:  Next question.


WATCHING: Ok lets be real — the only way I know what day it is is by which TV show aired last night, so I can watch it online in the morning. Shahs of Sunset, Real Housewives of Atlanta, Family Karma, Vanderpump Rules, Teen Mom OG, Married at First Sight, Jersey Shore Family Vacation, Law & Order: SVU, Saturday Night Live, and 90 Day Fiancee: Before the 90 Days. So yeah. That, and my daily podcast updates, are keeping me to like remember what day of the week it is in isolation. I*ve also been enjoying a lot of Netflix while cooped up: I can strongly recommend Tiger King and The Pharmacist for you true crime aficionados. And I spent an entire day painting and binge-watching the eighth season of Call the Midwife yesterday. And looking forward to the Last Stream on the Left on Tuesdays at 8pm on Adult Swim.


LISTENING TO:  Basically the only other thing that helps me establish which day it is are the daily releases of podcasts. Ive written about my favorite podcasts here, Im not going to retype all of my true crime podcasts again (because theres A LOT.) Ive also been loving Page 7 and No Dogs in Space from the Last Podcast network, available on Spotify.


WORKING ON: I have actually been keeping myself pretty busy! On my first day of isolation, I placed an amazon order of things I needed (toiletries) and craft supplies to keep me occupied. The last of these items is supposed to arrive at the end of this week, and its for tie dyeing! I have been hand-painting a pair of cutoff shorts that I made from a pair of Hollister ripped jeans that someone was giving away for free in the hallway of my building, and the hope getting me through this is that soon I*ll be able to put them on and give tours in them when the weather is nice! I*ve also finally built my kit ukulele, made plant hangers with macrame and repotted many of my plants, cleaned and organized my tiny bedroom, and given myself a fresh manicure every time a single nail gets chipped. Oh, and I started blogging again!


THINKING ABOUT: I’m trying not to think about much… on purpose. I havent seen my therapist in 6 weeks, so Im trying to compartmentalize everything (and oh, its a lot) in the midst of living a nightmare that even I, as the most anxious child in the world, couldnt possibly have dreamed up. Less thinking, more painting/macrame/Netflix, ok? I*ll think later.


EATING:  Weirdly enough, I*ve been forced into meal planning? So because I cant go outside and Im terrified to buy groceries, I went to Trader Joes a week and a half ago and bought as much of my usual foods as I was permitted to (2 items per customer) and have been like, eating meals according to how long each of these groceries will last. Im eating the last two slices of bread today because theyre completely stale. I also bought bagels to make bagel sandwiches (my daily treat, i have one for breakfast or dinner almost every day), tomato soup with melted cheese on toast, and spaghetti with sauteed kale. Ive also got a couple of cans of soup, chili, and beans, and some frozen foods. Im hoping I can put off grocery shopping for another two weeks, because it was terrifying the last time, but Im worried that if I eat everything in my cupboard, I wont be able to survive for another month off of only the groceries I can carry home from Manhattan. Ah, privileged problems in the end times!!


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE AGAIN. Seeing my boyfriend again. Summer and parks and working, I fucking hope?


MAKING ME HAPPY: Day to day, its not really much. Making a meal and enjoying it. Podcasts. Losing myself in a series or documentary for a day. Images of Cony, the LineFriends bunny. Tidying my room. Surviving day by day. Making things and enjoying them from my vantage point in my bed.


8 responses to “Currently… in April 2020”

  1. chelsea w Avatar
    chelsea w

    I’m so glad to see you posting again!! I’m crafting up a storm over here too. I’ve been making a lot of collages (some to send to friends) and trying to learn how to paint better. I’m also thinking about picking knitting up again, but I forgot how to hahah, and the reason I stopped was because it hurt my wrists so badly, so I figure it still would do that damage, so…

    I’ve also been using the Netflix Party thing to catch up with some friends, and I gotta say, it’s actually really fun.

    1. meghan Avatar

      YES! Ive been crafting HARD. I just made a whole bunch of fabric masks for myself (I think NYC is going to require masks in public soon and they said homemade is OK) and it was wistful, like, thinking about how Id usually be doing this kind of sewing and pattern work at my JOB but I havent been there in like… THREE WEEKS??? I havent seen this Netflix party thing but that sounds cool!

  2. It’s so hard to keep track of days and I’m still going to work! I agree that TV shows help remind me what day it is. For now anyway!

    1. meghan Avatar

      Thank you for validating that Im not the only person who uses TV to keep track of the days anymore!!! Hope you and your doggie are doing well!

  3. Mary ANn Avatar
    Mary ANn

    Glad to see you blogging again. You can also fill in Longwalks, call your mother, write to your grandmother, make cards, knit a lonnnnnng scarf, work on that Project……Do you have any yarn left? We should set up a “See What I’m Crafting” page…for everyone who is stuck indoors and becoming creative!

    1. meghan Avatar

      I *AM* out of yarn! Ive been working on The Project little by little. Im going to start tie-dyeing this week because its getting warm enough to go up to the roof now!

  4. Peter Tarantelli Avatar
    Peter Tarantelli

    Truly a very strange time we are living through, if you can call it “living”. My normally full calendar is completely empty. Nothing on there except the occasional event that I’ve forgotten to delete 🙁

    I’m glad you’re writing again! I look forward to reading your words and I know it’s good for you too.

    Stay healthy, stay positive, keep busy. I look forward to seeing you this year when it indeed gets warmer, we can get outside and start living again!

    1. meghan Avatar

      Absolutely! We*ve got a tour of Tribeca to take! The Ring Ding is one Me, Uncle Pete!

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