Currently… in September 2018


FEELING:  Purposeful. I’m pretty busy now, but I am reaping the rewards of all my hard work and I’m absolutely loving it. Things have been a little hectic and I can’t lie, Leo season was bringing PLENTY of drama and I’m kind of happy to be in nice, organized, Virgo season. I prefer to be busy, I thrive on being busy, this is exactly how I need to be.


WATCHING: My boyfriend introduced me to Nathan for You, which is SO FUNNY that I’m afraid to watch it too late at night, as my loud guffaws might wake my roommates, and Shahs of Sunset, which is — yeah I’m gonna say it — BETTER THAN REAL HOUSEWIVES. Yeah! I said it! I’ve also started watching the Last Stream on the Left, which is of course the LIVE STREAM associated with my favorite podcast, LAST PODCAST ON THE LEFT, which I have almost listened to all 330-some episodes of at this point.


LISTENING TO:  Last Podcast on the Left. Like, nonstop. Best discovery of this year.


READING:  I caved and bought Basic Witches by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman — yeah the book that got so much hype when it came out? — and guess what, I LOVE IT! It’s really cute and positive and sweet, so much so that I’m rationing it like a big heart-shaped box of chocolates. I don’t know how much usefulness I’m going to get out of this book as a resource, practically speaking, but I can best described it as a feel-good book. It’s very lifestyle-affirming for me, and I enjoy it a lot.


WORKING ON:  I’m on and off at the studio more often now after a slow-ish summer. The Bloody Deed of 1857 is back on, and I’m giving tours there when I’m not giving my usual Ghosts, Murders and Mayhem Walking Tours! I’ve been really good about blogging at least 2x a week, and scheduling posts in advance.


THINKING ABOUT:  How fast this year has flown by, and yet, how distant last year feels from my current reality. I feel like I’ve always lived in my beautiful loft room with all the twinkly lights, candles, and pillows. This is my favorite home I’ve ever had, in ten years of New York. And WOW! This month, it’s been TEN YEARS in New York. I can’t believe it’s been SO LONG! All the things I’ve seen, all the life I’ve lived here. It’s been an incredible journey, I could never have predicted it, and I’m still so in love with this city.


EATING:  While spending the day watching movies at my boyfriend’s apartment, we grub-hub-stumbled upon a burrito place that OH MY GOD, makes the BEST NACHOS I have EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. Pretty much every time I go over there I end up successfully convincing him to order me nachos for a meal. Am I a bad adult? Or am I living my best life? Let me put it to you this way: they’re VEGGIE CHILI nachos. So between the GOOEY layer of spicy orange nacho cheese sauce (which is plentiful) and the home-fried corn chips (which do, as advertised, stay crispy upon delivery!) is a serving of HEARTY BEAN CHILI. CHILI, which is a MEAL. The defense rests.


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  The weather is cooling down, and what’s been a hot & stuffy summer of suffering is drawing to a close. Now, it’s not gonna be COLD for a while, but there have been evenings when it’s gotten nice enough so as to get a good nights’ sleep with just a fan blowing. Of course HALLOWEEN is going to be spectacular this year! Elections are coming up, which I love, and I’m eager to work work work!     


MAKING ME HAPPY:  The days when the weather is just a little bit cooler make me feel like FALL is on its way! I joined the Leaf Rakers Society (basically a PSL fan group) on Facebook so my feed is ALL ABOUT FALL! And I gotta bring it up one more time: TEN YEARS IN NEW YORK CITY. I’ve lived in Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. I’ve lived in 5 different apartments. I’m floored by the twists and turns my life has taken, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


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