Currently… in June 2018


FEELING:  Excited. Yes, excited! It sort of feels like, overall, everything has been falling into place for me lately. I’ve been working hard, saving up, keeping going. You know, six months ago, if you told me that I’d be in this place by summer, I doubt I would have believed you. I am really happy with where I’m at in this moment in time.


WATCHING: RuPaul’s Drag Race is anyone’s game! I’m loving this season! And of course, The Bachelorette just started up again, and I love Becca K. I always root hard for The Bachelorette, but I don’t think she’s got very many good guys to choose from, sadly. I’ve been watching a lot of TV with my new fella: he got me into Top Chef and The X Files, and in exchange, I got him into 3% on Netflix!  


LISTENING TO:  Casefile is back and better than ever! I’ve been listening to that, and The Last Podcast On The Left while running errands and riding trains. I’ve also been enjoying Sword and Scale lately! Same old, same old.


READING:  Once again, I am the worst human being on the planet, I am not reading anything aside from my regular “Dear Prudence” columns and horoscope. Bad, bad Meghan.


WORKING ON:  Things are slow-ish at work, so I’m working on ticking off things from my personal to-do list that my therapist made me create back a few months ago! Changing over to a new season is proving to be work: installing air conditioners, packing away the winter clothes and bringing out the sundresses, installing my air conditioner!


THINKING ABOUT:  Well! Due to an insurance blip, I’m not able to keep my therapy appointments for the time being, so I’m almost like, on brain vacation? I’ve definitely relaxed a lot into my new routine, which is wonderful. I’m really settling into what it means to be me, on my own. I’ve been really appreciative for the little things, like doing my laundry, and when it’s MY turn to clean the kitchen/bathroom common areas.


EATING:  I’ve been on such a hummus kick lately – but I’ve been trying to eat healthier. More salad, less processed, less microwave, more cooking. I’t an uphill battle because I’m so about convenience and indulgence, and my work schedule is always changing. I’ve yet to have my first REAL soft-serve of the year, and I think 2018 has to be the year I finally get me a REAL NEW YORK ice cream from a truck! A truck playing music and everything! It’s ABSURD that this hasn’t already happened for me yet, but when it does, I’m for SURE gonna blog the HELL out of it!


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  I’m going upstate this month to visit my family and meet my parents’ new puppy! I’ve got tours coming up! I’m close to breaking out my summer wardrobe (the weather just needs to make up its mind…)    


MAKING ME HAPPY:  Things are pretty relaxed at the moment. No major projects at work, but I’m not anxious about it. I think, overall, the panic around starting my life over has settled into routine. Not everything is the same — how can it be? — but it’s becoming more familiar and comfortable.


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