A Weekend in the Country!


So the *official* reason for going to Vestal, NY for the weekend was to visit my parents buuuuuuuut it didn’t hurt that their new puppy, Kenzie, was there too! Is this an unabashed photo dump? Yes, AND: it’s my excuse as to why “my homework was late” aka I haven’t been blogging, because I’ve been too busy throwing frisbees. And now it’s Monday, I’m back to work, and there are no frisbees for me to throw! Epic sadface. Let’s just enjoy the memories, heh?

First, I got took out to the ballgame. Double header! Won the first one… LOST the second one 🙁



But I know you’re all just here for KENZIEEEEEEE:





One HAS to appreciate Kenzie’s photogenic nature. Her tongue is almost NEVER in her actual mouth IRL, and YET, she manages to pull off #looks like this iconic “Hello, I’ve got my leash, are you COMING?” face.


And she LOVES to play:






Clearly, we both excel in sports because I WON A MINI GOLF GAME against my mom and brother! Won by like A LOT! And then we ate ice cream sundaes for lunch!






Of course, there was a side-trip to Owego, just up the river! Hours were spent in the giant antiques mall, and so was a non-trivial amount of pocket money.



We had a delicious lunch and walked in the park along the river!





The last activity of my week away was a French party at a speakeasy in Downtown Binghamton (see the first pic) at which I was serenaded and given three (3) glasses of free wine (oh my goodness) so needless to say, I was not in peak-frisbee-throwing-condition the next day. FORGIVE ME, KENZIEEEEE!!!


So there you have it. That’s what I’ve been up to since the beginning of the month! That, ghost tours, and walking the entirety of the Rockaway Beach boardwalk (post forthcoming) so please, don’t let me get lazy on this stuff.





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