Currently… in March 2018


FEELING:  I’d like to refer you to my previous post for a longer life update! At this moment, beginning of March, I’m in PANIC MODE! The big story THIS WEEK is, I’m in a play this weekend! The Bloody Deed of 1857, brought to you by the same company that puts on my ghost tours! I always get performance jitters, and there’s a lot of balls in the air! Honestly? I’m looking forward to getting one successful show under my belt… then having things slow down afterwards enough for me to catch my breath! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…


WATCHING: RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 3 and The Bachelor, mostly. While I was sick and couldn’t leave my bed for days on end, I watched Season 4 of Broad City, and… 


LISTENING TO:  … I listened to a lot of the Casefile: True Crime podcast. Maybe not the best thing to do when you’re feverish and nervous that your flu is something worse? I’ve been exploring new music, too. I still love Spotify! I think I’m nearing the end of my 99-cent trial period, but I’m so happy with it, I think I’m going to actually pay FULL PRICE for it! Like, WHO AM I EVEN ANYMORE!? I’m embracing the change. As it turns out, I really like Led Zepplin?? I was always a Zep naysayer, because I don’t care for “Stairway to Heaven,” but my boss’s playlists include a lot of other Zep like “Whole Lotta Love” and “Black Dog” and “D’yer Mak’r” and I’ve noticed that every time I hear a song that I like…it’s Led Zepplin! I also spent a long day sewing and listening to a Spotify “Dad Rock” playlist and I think I like Metallica??? “Enter Sandman” is now on my karaoke playlist!


READING:  Who has time to read??? Not me! Between being sick and working all the time, the only thing I’ve been reading are MY LINES… for the play I’m in this weekend!


WORKING ON:  Oh, only just this PLAY I’M IN THIS WEEKEND! And when I’m not working on that, I’ve been in the workshop!


THINKING ABOUT:  Today is my mom’s birthday! Since my mother comprises like, 1/5th of my readership, I’d like to take this opportunity to say, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!” Hope your card arrived in time! Following the life-altering excitement of seeing Frozen, I’ve decided to become outrageously ambitious and cast away self-doubt and pursue every mad idea that comes into my head without hesitation. Watch this space.


EATING:  Okay. When I was sick, I did a bad job of feeding myself. I GOOGLED IT! You know the old saying, “Starve a cold, feed a fever”? Well, it turns out, either way, you’re supposed to eat. Healthily, though! Not like I did, where you impulsively buy a pint of Ben & Jerry’s to soothe your sore throat while you’re burning up! After I got well enough to go outside and BUY FOOD, I’ve been working towards eating a little better. I’ve been basically living off frozen entrees from Trader Joe’s and Larabars, so I’m trying to make salads for dinner at home, and microwave omelettes for snacks. I’m going to teach you how to make microwave omelettes in a different post, because they’re LIFE-CHANGING!


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Warmer weather. WARMER WEATHER! We had ONE DAY of beautiful weather on Feb. 20th, and I was walking around outside IN A T-SHIRT! Actually, it was a TANK TOP, even! Then it was back to freezing, which is SOO FUN for your sinuses, especially when you’re getting over a COLD, believe me. The end of Feb – beginning of March is very hectic, I’m looking forward to a slower pace. I mean, cut me some slack! I was dreafully ill, then I jumped right back in to working all day, rehearsal all night?! I could use a couple evenings at home a week. Boring? Sure. But that’s what I’m looking forward to.  


MAKING ME HAPPY:  It is getting a bit warmer, which is encouraging. When I get pictures of my parents’ new puppy, Kenzie, texted to me! She’s growing up TOO FAST! And obviously, getting to see things that I worked on on the stage! I also love giving tours, so I’m excited to do that again!


2 responses to “Currently… in March 2018”

  1. chelsea w Avatar
    chelsea w

    The Bachelor has been so boring this season, but I can’t stop watching it. It’s probably because they keep saying how this is going to be THE MOST DRAMATIC ENDING IN BACHELOR HISTORY over and over again. I’ve always been a big Led Zeppelin fan. Ten Years Gone is probably my favorite because of the first few lines, but D’yer Mak’er is great too. Another favorite of mine, Bron Y-Aur Stomp, is such a happy, fun song that you HAVE to listen to. Highly Recommend.

    BTW, fun story. (I’m so sorry I always leave long ass comments on your blog). You mentioned Metallica. There’s the song Sad But True. For years and years, my dad would sing the chorus SAND PATROL (this was before lyrics on YouTube videos came out apparently). So of course every time I hear the song I can’t help but hear in my head my Dad belting out SAND PATROL.

    1. meghan Avatar

      I LOOOOVE the long-ass comments! I can’t believe the way this season has shaped up. If anything, we’ve learned that men never grow out of their awful ways, they just become salt-and-pepper human NIGHTMARES.

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