Currently… in June 2017


FEELING:  Strangely optimistic. Last month got rough, and it felt like there was just negative energy everywhere, but maybe that was just hitting rock bottom, because I’m entering this month with the feeling like we’ve got nowhere to go but UP!


WATCHING: Lots of YouTube — I’d love recommendations on vloggers who aren’t cookie-cutter boringso send them my way! I’ve also been watching Worst Cooks in America on Hulu, which is where I learn a lot about cooking!


LISTENING TO:  I’m doing this new thing where I listen to “Raspberry Beret” until I get sick of it. Spoiler alert: I am still not sick of “Raspberry Beret.” At the studio, I love listening to talk radio: lately, it’s been a lot of Sword and Scale, and some RadioLab. Remember when I was all, “I don’t like podcasts”? Well, I guess I like podcasts now!


READING:  Oh dang. I am not reading any books. I need to fix that! But I have been making it a point to go to museums more often. After therapy, I’m in Manhattan anyway, and it’s kind of nice to go from a really intense introspective exercise like therapy to getting out of my head and going for a walk, getting some lunch, and seeing something new and exciting. I checked out the Met a few weeks ago, and then I went to MoMA this past week.


WORKING ON:  Trying to post consistently over here — am I doing this right? — while still pulling my weight at work, which I love. I feel like I’m really in an idea phase, as I have close to 200 drafts started! But finishing them is a different story — not for lack of motivation, mind you. But my perfectionist tendencies seize upon what I see as the best ideas and I feel so possessive of those, it’s hard for me to let go of them as “good enough.” or “Done.”


THINKING ABOUT:  How fast the past month went by! Doing a dramatic hair change — I’ve had half-and-half hair for like, four years now! I love the way it looks, but I have two different textures going on at the same time, and that’s starting to get annoying. But then I look in a mirror and I think, “I love my half and half hair so much!”


EATING:  I dunno if I’ve mentioned this but at the studio, I’m always just eating Larabars. I like the coconut cream pie and the peanut butter cookie ones the best! And because I’ve been watching Worst Cooks in America, I’ve been kind of driven to cook for myself — so last night, I seared tuna steaks with sesame seeds and tamari and salt and garlic!


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  I know it’s so pathetic but I’m excited for Season 5 of Orange is the New Black! When season 4 came out, I binge-watched the entire series to catch up, and I completely fell in love with the characters.  


MAKING ME HAPPY:  Keeping busy, going to museums, weather warming up. Up until last week, I was still hiding under coats! I love putting together warm-weather outfits (as you can see!).


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