5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday NEEDS

Black Friday?  Bah Humbug!  I don’t believe in Black Friday.  “But Meghan!” you say, “What about Christmas shopping for friends and family?”  You know what?  This year, everybody’s getting a nice bottle of booze.  It’s what you want, need, and will use!  So there.  I’m not going shopping on Black Friday.  I don’t need anything money can buy.  Here’s WHAT I NEED on Black Friday:

1.  White Wine  is my go-to holiday drink.  I’ve had a craving for some time now, this should be easy enough to fix!!

2.  Christmas Trees  oh I am such a freak for trees!  The smell of evergreen is completely lacking in the city, outside of those street-side tree sellers!  I’m one of the weirdos who leans in to get a deeeeep sniff and walks off with a doofy grin plastered across my face.  I need a whiff of them for my Black Friday!!

3.  Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade  is a TRADITION for me!  I have gone to great lengths to view the parade like I used to when I was a kid…bundled up in PJ’s on the couch with the dogs, pointing at the city views behind the floats and balloons and vowing “I’m gonna live there someday!”  Those dogs owe me $5 off that bet cuz I TOTALLY LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY NOW DOGS!!  And to think they laughed at me.

4.  Hearty GF Vegetarian Food  Thanksgiving dinner typically, how shall I put this delicately, isn’t very fun for gluten-free pescetarians?  I’ve had years of dry mashed potatoes and corn, and I’d love for the day after Thanksgiving to involve something robust, flavorful, and hearty to make up for “eating just the sides” the night before.  Like my new favourite chili recipe, or some fancy egg dish!  I’d even go wild for Indian food from Trader Joe’s as long as it’s hot!

5.  Christmas music with NO JUDGEMENT  Yeah, that’s right!  I make jokes on Twitter about sneaking Christmas music behind my boyfriend’s back but…yeah, I pretty much am doing that.  Sorry, babe!  I think we can agree that post-Thanksgiving, it’s totally acceptable to listen to the classics – Bing Crosby, The Carpenters, and the Vince Guaraldi Trio.  I won’t force anyone to listen to Mariah Carey or Michael Buble until the week of Christmas, I solemnly promise.  But over the holiday itself, all bets are off!!!

Here’s hopin’ y’all had lovely T-gives and that your Black Friday is calm, sweet, and socially responsible – globally and locally.  Even if you are shopping, please be a conscious consumer and for the love of Christmas, don’t be a dick to anyone working retail today.  Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!


8 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday NEEDS”

  1. I love you view on this 🙂 I'm always so conflicted about Black Friday ;_; I hate the big angry crowds, people having to work at crazy hours and all that. But the sales are really great for gift shopping because I'm always on such a strict budget >_<

    1. The monster that Black Friday has become is outrageous to me. I just don't do it.

  2. Wine and vegetarian food!!! :3 That wins!!! I only do Black Friday online, 'coz I get confused when I am with too many people around doing shopping… I simply collapse 😮

    1. I don't even know what people do on Black Friday. Like, buy 5 TVs at a time? I don't have that kind of money, and I live in New York City. It's so confusing. Veggie food and wine.

  3. I have no idea why we should even have Black Friday in Canada, it makes no sense.
    I completely agree on booze for christmas gifts! I feel like those family members you know will never use whatever you give them, just give them booze and they'll be happy you thought of them!

    1. It's so hard to buy for grown adults…buying toys for kids can be fun, but I have no idea what my parents need that they wouldn't already have themselves (outside of ridiculous thing I can't afford anyway, like built-in jacuzzi tubs and gold-plated golf club sets). Also, booze helps to, shall we say, smooth over family awkwardness??? Win-Win.

  4. Like Natalie said, I love your take on this. When I saw the topic on the schedule I cringed so. hard. But I love this. <3

    1. Thanks! If I hadn't written it in advance and auto-scheduled it (as I did because I was going away for Thanksgiving) I would have added what I did on Thursday morning: go through my insanely bloated email inbox and unsubscribe from any retail company that sent me an email boasting about how they were opening early on Thanksgiving for Black Friday. I won't be shopping at Michaels anymore! They were open Thanksgiving Day from 4pm-2am. At least three managers from every Michaels store didn't get to see their family at all this holiday. I've worked retail enough years to know that you don't get to celebrate holidays at all if the company thinks it can make a buck off you. It's sick.

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