5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff

I’m not a fan of spinoffs, generally, since Angel was such a disappointment after Buffy.  Most of the things I love just happen to wrap up in tidy, complete packages.  I can’t imagine, for instance, continuing the story of Les Miserables, or Battlestar Galactica, or Love in the Time of Cholera.  So I struggled immensely with this prompt.  But in the end, I think I have spun-off some successful concepts – feel free to pick up on these!!

1.  The Adventures of Ragdoll  (yes, I know everyone was blown up, but when has that ever stopped DC from resurrecting a character?)  This could be a prequel to the first run of Secret Six, if need be.  Though I must say, the current one is shaping up pretty decent as well!  But I would follow this complicated, hilariously unpredictable character through new adventures!

2.  Law & Order:  Elliot Stabler’s Unit  Chris Meloni is a BOSS and I would follow his “unstabler” moments through any ridiculous post he might be reassigned to – even TSA – or parking garage security – or ensuring kids don’t get stuck in crane machines…any kind of detective work, as long as he keeps being “unstable”!

3.  Haruka & Michiru:  Love Never Dies  I’ll leave this one here.  Just more screen time with these two.  #shipping

4.  Podkayne of Earth (…and Beyond)  I can’t wait to tell you about this Heinlein novel next week, but one book isn’t enough!  I wish he would have, as with so many other books, expanded the Podkayne franchise.  I wanna know if she hooks up with that billionaire she was cozy with!  I wanna know what trouble her brother gets into!  And the triplets!  There’s so much more left unanswered and I would follow Podkayne all the way to Earth!

5.  Fast Times at Sunnydale High  when you’re attending high school in the Hellmouth, who KNOWS what can happen?  I would gladly tune in to watch the original cast of Xander, Willow, and Cordelia try to figure out why all their classmates have such weird-looking hickeys?  Take me back to Sunnydale High!!!  Go Razorbacks!!


3 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff”

  1. I would be all OVER a Stabler spinoff.

    1. RIGHT?!? We need to find Chris Meloni and just make him DO THINGS for US!!

  2. LOL I included Caprica 6 and Baltar into my list imagining their adventures on Earth, you know, he said he knew about farming xDDDD I love your list 😉

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