Happy Valentine’s Day from Secret Six!

Several (several) weeks after it was supposed to come out, last Wednesday we finally saw the thrilling second half of the re-re-make of Secret Six.  The first ended on a cliffhanger, asking the question, “What’s the secret?”  And I figured out what the secret was:  a Super Special Valentine’s Day Issue!

Whaaaaat?  Yes, this issue is clearly meant for Valentine’s Day!  Check out these (appropriately enough) six frames and tell me they aren’t sending secret (hah!  On a roll!) messages to someone’s Valentine:

1.  The Pity-the-Fool Valentine

2.  The Just-Not-That-Into-You Valentine

3.  The Awkward Morning-After Valentine

4.  The Catch-My-Drift Valentine

5.  The DTR (Define the Relationship) Valentine

6.  The Shut-Up-and-Kiss-Me Valentine

Hey, are you loving the New Secret Six?  Or are you “Just Not That Into” it?  Comments!


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