The Time I Wore A Snake

Like, I’m always bragging about how New York City is magical and any given night can turn into an amazing adventure and blah blah blah and I think sometimes people roll their eyes and assume that “New York City is a constant adventure!” is just something we tell ourselves to justify paying more on rent than we make in a month and most of the time that’s probably true but


On my way to go see an accordion festival ( ! ) uptown I chanced upon this big lady at the West 4th Street subway station.  I asked her handler if I could pet her.  “You can hold her!” he encouraged, and then draped Honey Boo Boo (that’s the snake’s name, no lie!) over my shoulders and instructed me to “cradle her like a baby.”

She was heavy – VERY heavy – but warm and soft and reminded me of holding a puppy.  A very very LOOOOONG puppy.  But gentle and aside from being oh did I mention quite heavy, she was a total doll.

Just goes to show that adventure lies around every corner!  Unless you’re Indiana Jones.


2 responses to “The Time I Wore A Snake”

  1. LOVE this! My mother would have an absolute heart attack if this were my post. She's terrified of snakes. I on the other hand love them.

  2. […] met up at W4th street, made friends with Honey Boo Boo the Boa Constrictor, then hopped the orange line up to Bryant Park to take in an accordion festival. Then, he […]

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