Currently…in May 2014

FEELING:  Overwhelmed and charmless.  I’m so tired of dealing with people.  People are stupid and aggravating!  I just want to be quiet and keep to myself.  I’m also exhausted and have a great, hacking cough that I can’t seem to shake. 

WATCHING: Just as RuPaul’s Drag Race is winding down, a new season of Louie is set to start!  Louie may be my favourite television show of this decade.  It is beyond “smart”.  It’s SMART ART.  If you have never watched an episode, just WATCH ONE.  I promise you will be hooked.  I’ve also been watching a lot of standup comedy specials.  Maybe this will be the summer I try an open mic?

LISTENING TO:  Paramore – which does NOT make me a hipster!  90’s music, also.  I’ve been on a weird 90’s nostalgia kick lately.  Must be me, getting old.

READING:  So many comics and graphic novels!  I’m dying to start reading Deadpool, but apparently it’s a beast to get into.  I ordered an out-of-print copy of a promising graphic novel off Amazon for $0.25!  I already fell in love with the author’s webcomic.  And Hello, Saturday is Free Comic Book Day!  Are you going to turn out?

WORKING ON:  SO MANY THINGS.I have an open “note” in my phone of projects I want to try!  Now that it’s warm, I am SO. OVER. KNITTING (for maybe a month) and want to try my hand (again) at jewelry making.  I’m trying to recreate this necklace that I made like, ten years ago because apparently it is awesome:

THINKING ABOUT:   Loads of craft projects I want to try!

EATING:  English muffins, jam, and yogurt covered raisins.  Yah, real healthy, I know. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Getting my voice back, leading more ghost tours, getting my voice back so ghost tours aren’t crazy difficult.

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Sunshine and warm temperatures!  Having lots to work on and lots to try.  My new, shorter hairdo – super swingy and fun for walks!



Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February
Currently…in January


Currently…in December

Currently…in November
Currently…in October

Currently…in September
Currently…in August
Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


2 responses to “Currently…in May 2014”

  1. I only knit in the winter. I just can't in the summer. 😛

    1. Dude, I totally feel you on that, but I love to knit so much that I start in late-summer. Like "soon, my softy yarniness, soon it shall be scarf season" !!!

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