Pumpkin Curry

You know me, you know I never cook!  NEVER!

That is, unless I really want to apologize impress.  I meant IMPRESS!  And this recipe is easy enough to accomplish with minimal skill and maximum recalcitrance.  Uh, I meant PIZZAZZ!  It’s a vegan adaptation of a soup I found through The Food Network.  Thicker and more like a curry, it’s not pretty to look at, but it is filling and warming and would be delicious over some rice!


1 medium onion, diced fine
splash of EVOO
1 can of black beans (15oz), drained
1 can of petite diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)
1 large can of pumpkin puree (29oz) or 2 small cans (15oz)
2 cups vegetable stock
1 Tbsp curry powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
salt to taste

This is the hardest part:  cut the onion and sautee in the olive oil until lightly browned.  The hard part is not walking away and forgetting that you’re cooking and accidentally setting them on fire and having to go back to Key Foods for a new onion.  This happens with alarming regularity.

Once the onion is sauteed, add the beans, tomatoes (with juice), and broth.  Slowly introduce the pumpkin and stir it VERY WELL.  Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat.

Add the curry, cumin, and chili powder.  Cover and simmer for a little while, then turn the heat off and let it cool a little before serving.  Don’t eat this too hot, or it will be ATOMIC and really unpleasant.  AHHHH IT BURNS ALL THE WAY DOWN unpleasant. 

Just in case the weather gets cold again, this is a nice warming dish to have in your arsenal.  Easy to make.  When canned pumpkin goes on sale after Thanksgiving, stock up, because it can sometimes be difficult to find!  Also, I like to add a lot of salt to this dish, particularly my Black Truffle Salt from The Filling Station, so you can cut down on sodium by using a no-salt added vegetable stock.  Oh, and one more warning:  your breath will totally smell like fart afterwards.  So this may not be the romantic dinner.  Save this for the home-bound, Netflix-watchin’ date and try to brush your teeth before, you know, anything happens! 


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