Currently…in October 2013

Feeling:  DRAINED.  I’ve been working 20-day stretches in a row with no day off.  It’s the busiest time of the year for ghost tours, and after that, it becomes the busiest time of the year for candy store.

WatchingClassic Doctor Who
Still.  Tom Baker’s clownish sweetness is addictive!

Reading:  I haven’t had time to read!  But recently, I had a chance to read to someone aloud from my favourite book of short stories, Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut, and I was reminded of how much I loved his writing.

Thinking about:  Boundaries.  (Somewhere, both of my former therapists are laughing.)  I feel guilty having and setting boundaries, as an ESFJ, I’d let people walk all over me while silent anger brews inside.  I am allowed to set boundaries, and the hardest part is sticking to my guns about my boundaries.

Eating:  Lots and lots of yogurt.  Yogurt and bananas.  I’ve been trying to eat healthier on a daily basis to make up for the deep-fried guacamole and macaroni and cheese I’ll have when out with friends.  Oh, and 16 Handles has become my newest obsession.  Getting the perfect balance of toppings and yogurt is key.

Looking forward to:  trying to catch a few days off here and there, and duh of course New York Comic Con is in just ten days!!!  October is also the best time at the candy store – creepy music, dressing up, and free candy!  I can’t wait to give Halloween ghost tours!  I may even get to go to a Halloween party this year!

Making me happy:  Halloween!  I want to dress up for my ghost tours this year, but I’ll have to have a different costume for each neighborhood.  There is also a chance I may be attending a Halloween party as well, and I may get to bust out my serious gown and shit for that!

 Also, Blogtember has ended.  I really enjoyed the cool writing prompts, and I’m glad it stuck me to a schedule, but I’m kind of glad to be able to go back to writing what I want to say!  If anyone hears of any more writing challenges, let me know!  Also, HI to all the new followers from Blogtember linkups!  I can’t wait to check out all your blogs when my month slows down! 
Blast from the past:

Currently…in September
Currently…in August

Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


One response to “Currently…in October 2013”

  1. I love that you had the opportunity to read aloud to someone…such a lost art (outside of parenthood)!

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