Doctor Who / Tom Baker Scarf !!!

Yes, remember a few weeks ago when I started earnestly tackling the most daunting nerd project of all – the infamous Tom Baker scarf?  Ten feet long, it is now FINISHED! 

Proving that you never know what you can accomplish until you start!

I used this pattern, found on Pinterest, courtesy of the awesome Tara Wheeler via Ravelry.  The yarn, Vanna’s Choice, was super soft!  I only used one skein of green, and it might be possible to make do with only one beige as well, but I panicked and bought more.
I’m sure I’m not the most expert knitter out there, but an hour here, half an hour there while watching Classic Doctor Who Netflix episodes and it was done in a couple weeks!  Plenty of time for Comic Con, Halloween, and when the New York City winter comes, I’ll be the cozier all bundled up like a Time Lord.
Speaking of coziness, don’t forget to enter my Diamond Candle Giveaway!
Winner chosen Sunday at midnight!


One response to “Doctor Who / Tom Baker Scarf !!!”

  1. Gotten many requests for scarves? You could make some serious $$$…it's very nice!!!

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