Misanthropy is the Choice for Me!

Let’s recap.  It’s been almost a week to the day since I got epically dumped.  Why am I sharing all this?  Bonnie over at Life of Bon has invited everyone to “Just Write” and to link up.  Yay, my computer is down, I’m barely able to keep up with my blogging and I’m doing this from my phone.  I spent most of today refreshing my inbox, twitter feed, and Instagram in the hopes of feeling some sort of connection with humanity.  I’m a little ashamed to admit that in the past week I have gone on two ill-fated OkCupid dates in the hopes of feeling better about myself or something.  Or maybe I just wanted someone to talk to?  Or i thought it would make me feel better in general, since it helped last year when I got dumped.  It actually did, if you will recall.  But all that happened this time was a deep sense of misanthropy.
Sorry, humankind.  I’m bitter and lonely and I don’t want to talk about it except I do want to talk about it except I just want to stay in bed and cuddle my stuffed Pinkie Pie and sniffle and listen to “Everlong” and cry.  Except I want to go to work and walk for miles and shop my feelings unhurt.  Except I did both of those things and neither helped.  Neither did telling two separate Trader Joe’s cashiers about my heartbreak on two separate occasions. 
On the upside, I know that this isn’t the end.  It’s the beginning of something so new that I can’t even properly see it yet.  I’ve been here before, and I know that for however much it sucks, it means that amazing, amazing things are waiting just around the corner.  
Just around that corner….
….any minute now…….


2 responses to “Misanthropy is the Choice for Me!”

  1. Found your blog via Bonnie's link-up. Here's to hoping that corner comes fast for you! Btw I like the word misanthropy

  2. Sammy DeRossi Avatar
    Sammy DeRossi

    We're not all so bad :(. I stopped using OkCupid a few weeks ago. My coworker showed me cliqie.com and I’m a big fan of that over the others in terms of actually meeting people vs. just entertainment. It has a different approach that feels less sketchy cause you and your friends essentially act as "wingmen". I like that it helps you find things to do too. Skout’s okay too, but still has it’s fair share of creepers

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