No Sleep Til Brooklyn Museum

On the first Saturday of every month, a magical thing happens.  No, not THAT, get your head out of the gutter.  Target sponsors Free First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum!  Going back to the museum was on my Summer To-Do list, and when the stars aligned, it was magical.
The exhibits are always changing, and due to renovations, most of the second floor was blocked off.  But I still got to see my favourites:
Stained glass!

Period rooms!

I couldn’t resist taking a mirror selfie in this gorgeous old gilt mirror.
If the enormity and popularity of the Met intimidates you, consider going against the mainstream and hopping the train to Brooklyn.  It boasts a lot of similar collections (mummies, what what?) and smaller crowds.  The best time, in my experience, to do First Saturday is RIGHT AWAY, as they do draw larger crowds as the night goes on.
I strongly recommend checking out the Brooklyn museum.  It’s irreverent!  Eclectic!  And so very….Brooklyn!


One response to “No Sleep Til Brooklyn Museum”

  1. […] Museum  is one of my FAVORITE museums in the city, actually! I’m overdue for a return visit here to see the new exhibits and remodeled […]

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