Always Find A Reason

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s a quote floating around out there somewhere that goes a little something like:

“Unhappy people will always find a reason to be unhappy.
Happy people will always find a way to be happy.”

If not, well, you heard it here first.  I’ll happily be the one who said it, because it’s every bit true.  Still bruised up from the day before yesterday and now, suffering from awesome cramps, I nonetheless retreated out of hiding to enjoy two sunny days off from work.  Completely free!

Yesterday, I dragged my flatmate out to Chelsea for a jaunt on the High Line.  When your tattoo artist tells you to avoid sun, head for the most direct beams?  I don’t make any sense at all.  We found an awesome custom jewelry booth in Chelsea Market called Brooklyn Charm and my flatmate designed these earring that were so cool, the booth owner posted them to Instagram!

Then I took my (heavily-sunscreened, overly-dressed and parasol-toting) achy self up to the High Line.  It was fantastic to feel the soft grass under my bare legs, sitting in the winds, it smelled like my grandmother’s backyard in Buffalo, which has always had the freshest, greenest grass. 

We shopped around a bit and found a Claire’s Accesories on the Upper West Side and I went a little crazy, buying a four-pack of rings because they were so totally rock and roll:

I wore all the above five rings (some old, some new) to brunch today with my flatmate and her friend, at Sugar and Plumm, a desserts shop with the MOST AMAZING FOOD.

Under all those greens are two big, fluffy, savory waffles, with melted Gruyere cheese and thin, delectable Portabella mushrooms.  Alongside a petite macchiato with skim milk. 

And I couldn’t leave without buying candy.  I’m addicted!  But I only bought the good stuff:  black licorice sprinkles, mini mints, and dark chocolate covered espresso beans.  I am a lady of taste and sophistication.

Afterwards, I took my friends to Momofuku for their first taste of cereal milk ice cream – which I ate most of.  No pictures, it was gone too fast.

Bidding farewell to my friends, I walked down to Trader Joe’s for a few groceries, then 6 miles home in the sunshine to stop by my favourite book seller and show him the work on my tattoo. 

Returning home, I found a surprise in my mailbox:

Months ago, I bought a faulty MetroCard, and couldn’t get anyone to fix my problem!  Now, I have a fresh monthly card to use this month!  JUSTICE IS SERVED!

My house is cool, my tattoo is healing, and I have the rest of the day for laundry and relaxation.  I had so many opportunities to say “no thanks, I’ll stay home instead of going to brunch” or “I really shouldn’t be eating ice cream for breakfast” or “it’s too hot to walk, I’ll take the train.”  But if I had, I wouldn’t have this beautiful day to remember as perfectly as it happened.  And that’s the reason why I’m happy.

Even if I don’t always look it in pictures.


3 responses to “Always Find A Reason”

  1. I'm trying to challenge myself to say YES more often, too! You totally COULD have stayed inside and read a book but you said yes and had an awesome day. Good job-I'm gonna do the same!

    1. RIGHT! Moral of the story, always say yes!

  2. Ice cream for breakfast is always a good idea! Unless you're lactose intolerant or diabetic.

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