Currently…in April 2013

Congested!  I’m getting over the flu!  I worked long hours during the worst of it.  Today is my day of rest and recovery.  I’m looking forward to doing a lot of nothing, sitting in a hot bath until the water turns cold around me, dragging out my orange fleece blanket, and watching trash TV while doing blog maintenance.

Watching:  So I’m the last person on Earth to realize how awesome The Walking Dead is!  I’m about to start season three, no spoilers please!

Source:  Buzzfeed

Reading:  I picked up a used paperback of Caitlin Moran’s How to Be a Woman on Amazon.  Started reading it last night, and picked it up again first thing this morning.  Her candidness is inspirational, relatable, and aspirational.  She has drawn me in and I feel like she is my best friend.  And I’m only on page 55!

Thinking about:  Confidence.  And metaphors for self-confidence.  Some people feel confident in their appearance, so their sense of self rests tenuously at the surface, like an egg.  When their character is tested, they crack and fall apart.  Other people have a strong sense of self at the core, but are insecure in their own skin.  They are like a malt ball – and pressure will make them bent out of shape.  I want my confidence to be like a jawbreaker – strong at every level.  Also, I think I spend too much time around candy.

Eating:  Jawbreakers and malt balls.  Ha!  Trader Joe’s frozen falafel and strawberry-banana gummy bears.

Looking forward to:  NYCC  –  New York Comic Con!  Less than 200 days to go!

Making me happy:  my candle collection  –  late-night conversations with my flatmate  –  loving my own reflection  –  warmer weather (less layers!)  –  crooning along to Amy Winehouse  –  coffee with less Splenda.


One response to “Currently…in April 2013”

  1. Glad you've been sucked down the Walking Dead rabbit hole. Season 3 is pretty interesting, story wise. Enjoy!


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