Thanksgiving 2012!

What?  Thanksgiving?  I know I know, that was two holidays ago.  But I completely forgot to talk about it last year, so here goes.

Thanksgiving this year was two days long, Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one, sandwiched between two overnight 7-9 hour bus rides.

First of all, it’s not a proper holiday unless my mother carves something iconic related to the holiday out of BUTTER.  Here she is, carving the traditional Thanksgiving butter turkey.

My mother, my brother (pictured above) and I stay in my aunt’s huge house.  There, I drank loads of coffee with flavoured CoffeeMate…

…and play tons of games.  Some of which I even won, in spite of (or perhaps thanks to) a lot of sweet, white wine that I ingested.  Coffee and wine, who could complain?

Maybe my brother, above, should have used a similar strategy, because he lost Apples to Apples, as you can see, with only this odd assortment of adjectives to his name.

Black Friday is the traditional shopping day.  The tradition goes that every year, we all swear we’ll never go shopping on Black Friday again.  And every year we spend the entire day shopping.  I bought so much new clothing, I could barely fit it all in my suitcase to go home.  I also bought this headband, which I wore for the entire day:

Because when they say “Black Friday,” that is how you dress.

After shopping, we all piled into the living room to show off our wares and onto the couches and I ended up sitting between my mother and grandmother and thought “Uh oh!  Picture time!”  Here is three (very tired) generations smooshed together to take an iPhone photo:

Thanksgiving was so fantastic, I can’t wait for Easter!  I’m looking forward to having more time to visit family in 2013!


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