Halloween Hangover

My Halloween tradition is to work, go home, and eat Oreos while watching movies.  With all the hurricane madness, I was scared that my dreams of being invited to an awesome party and dressing up for Halloween would be dashed.

Just when all seemed lost (Halloween morning), my neighbor from the laundromat invited me (and my roommate by extension) to a party!  Time to pull together a last-minute costume!

Inspired by the many hours of Law & Order: SVU that Roomie and I watched during the storm, I conjured up the idea of going as an undercover vice cop.  Like when Olivia Benson goes undercover to catch a predator?

I ended up looking a little pervy but if that isn’t the point of Halloween, I don’t know what is!

No, seriously, I don’t know what the point of Halloween is.  Roomie and I were trying to explain it to our Dutch neighbor in the cab on the way to the party, and the best I could come up with was a fairly comprehensive overview of Dia de loe Muertos (thanks, Advanced Spanish) and a feeble attempt to tie in Trick or Treating. 

I made some great new friends at this party, and despite the title of the post, I didn’t actually drink (more than a few sips of beer). 

Afterwards, Roomie and I found ourselves in a 24-Hour Westside Market, buying paninis, shumai, and cheesecake.  We piled into a cab and rode home through the silent city streets, in awe of how amazing our cool life was.  Three cabs, two girls, one Halloween. 

Oh, and this girl had the best costume of the night:

She’s OkCupid, so needless to say, I lurked on her the whole night.  Tragi-joke.


2 responses to “Halloween Hangover”

  1. You look like you had so much fun! Here is a website that explains Halloween (I have a close friend who is Pagan)


    We didn't get to celebrate Halloween down here…they moved our trick-or-treating to Monday…booooo!!! lol


  2. I like your costume! It's cute and it makes sense.."under cover" =]

    OK Cupid!!!! Such a cute idea!!

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