Cuz I’m A Winner

True story.

Whilst walking with my new roomie from BB&B (Bed, Bath, & Beyond) to DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) on the UWS (Upper West Side), we came across a mobile makeover station.  New roomie wanted to get a mini makeover, so we chowed on lollipops (the candy, I can’t escape it!) and chatted with other ladies in line.  While the makeover team were making my already gawgeous roomie look even prettier, one of the girls working the event informed me of a drawing that was about to go down for a free Le Sportsac tote. 

“All I have to do is tweet at you?”  I inquired incredulously.

“And the drawing will be held in a few minutes,” she replied.

Cut to a few minutes later, hanging out on the sidewalk and a totally different girl shouts out “Is Meghan here?”

“I’m Meghan!  I’m at-sign-Meghan-Sara-K!”


Yup, just by buying extension cords and shopping for shoes, I won this totally boss tote bag full of swag:

And oh, of course, more lollipops.


2 responses to “Cuz I’m A Winner”

  1. Woo-hoo! Free swag is always appreciated! I adore St. Ives Apricot Scrub. That stuff is THE best.

  2. Winning free stuff is just the BEST.


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