Tag: witchcraft

  • My Favorite “Woo Woo Hippy Doo” iPhone Apps

    My Favorite “Woo Woo Hippy Doo” iPhone Apps

      Dream Journal Ultimate I have been using Dream Journal Ultimate for over a year now. It’s honestly the most reliable part of my morning routine! Before I started journaling my dreams, I maybe remembered one or two dreams a month — now, I sometimes remember up to 3 different dreams a night! In the…

  • What I DO/DON’T Believe In

    What I DO/DON’T Believe In

    Being a ghost tour guide, I get asked a lot if I believe in ghosts. Actually, I get asked if I believe in a lot of things that fall under the realm of supernatural on my tours. I guess it goes with the tour-ritory! What. What was that portmanteau. I’m so sorry. But it occurred to me that I…