Tag: dreams

  • Artists


    Last night’s dream found me in a dismal post-apocalyptic world. We, the lucky survivors, were forced to live in dreary, primitive bunkers. Safe and provided for, but my soul was unhappy. Finally, I was able to voice my displeasure: “I miss clothes! I miss color! I just want to dance!” This morning I realized that’s…

  • The Schedule Dream

    The Schedule Dream

    DOES ANYONE ELSE still have The Schedule Dream? IN HIGH SCHOOL, a few weeks before the new year, you would receive a schedule with the list of all the class times, subjects, room numbers, and teachers that you would eventually commit to memory and attend in a daily manner. IF YOU LOST your schedule, you…

  • Stairs


    Perhaps I owe you guys a little explanation on the whole “stairs” thing that’s been showing up a lot lately… I really like stairs.  But I also hate stairs.  I hate climbing them!  I live in a four-story walk-up, remember? But the stairs find me in my dreams!  Most often in my nightmares. Do you…

  • New Year’s Fail

    New Year’s Fail

    Everyone around me is talking about resolutions, these inspiring ways they plan to change their lives for the better, amazing goals to turning their lives around in 2012. I’m not going to do that. Listen, I know myself pretty well (all my life, in fact) and I cannot keep long term goals.  I mean, I…