Sweet Seasons

Happy First Day of Spring!
And to all you others,
a belated Happy Last Day You Can Rudely Point Out That It Isn’t Really Officially Spring Until March 20th.
(that was yesterday)

This winter has seen me a little blue.  I’ve had my ups and downs, but this past season I’ve been doubting my choices, questioning my talent, comparing myself to others and wondering whether I’m doing the right thing with my life.  Ultimately, I think the “right” thing to do with life is to not be dead.  Whew!  That takes a lot of pressure off.

Lately I’ve felt a burden lifted.  Less responsibility at work, new creative opportunities, a lot of positive feedback from people I respect and admire…I’m looking forward to a season of renewal, a season of a little less “blue.”  And I get the feeling a lot of other people do too…

Are you excited for Spring?  Do you feel the positive shift on the season?  Or do you live south of the Equator and resent my happy moods as your climate turns to Autumn and wish I would stop prattling on about my improved weather?  Holla back, Southern Hemisphere!

And check out this awesome song by Carole King,
who gets the credit for the title,
and also a little credit for my improved mood:


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