Currently…in March 2013

Thinking about:
feeling guilty for taking a vacation from blogging every day, like I have been so good about, but between troublesome internet and troublesome personal life (and nine-hour work days), I felt creatively sapped.  Sorry!  I swear!  I felt I couldn’t touch fingers to keys without spilling out horrible sadness, and I need at least a week to process.  Besides, I ain’t no wind-up monkey!  I blog on my own time!

Reading: Don’t Be That Girl, by Dr. Travis Stork.  Roommate recommendation.

Listening to: “Angry Johnny” by Poe

Looking forward to: going out after work tomorrow.  Having the day off on Thursday.  A grown-up hair appointment on Friday.  And giving two ghost tours this weekend!

Watching: My Mad Fat Diary.  It’s so darkly real and uncomfortable at times, but also over-the-top funny in its own horrible way.  I can’t stop watching it – I want to see what happens next!

Making me happy: Looking back in anger, then realizing that there’s nothing but happiness and possibility moving forward. 


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