Currently… in February 2016

FEELING:  The never-ending cold has passed!  But not before I “passed” it to my boyfriend!  Aww, shucks.  Well, now we’re both feeling better and it is glorious not to be sick anymore!

  Alternating between Flavor of Love and Law and Order: SVU because they inspire me – no really!  I wrote about reality TV and feminism last week, stay tuned for my NYC love letter to SVU this week!  If Flavor Flav is your problematic fave, or if you are hungry like Dick Wolf, you’ll need to check these posts out!

LISTENING TO:  I had a rough day this past week and played “Lost Little Girl” by Siouxsie and the Banshees on repeat like a million times.  But the real story in music news is, at No Lights No Lycra, I pulled my right calf freaking out on the DJ.  They played “Start Wearing Purple” by Gogol Bordello back-to-back with “Take A Chance on Me” by ABBA, so I basically jumped up and down for 8 minutes straight or something like that.  It took me five days to be able to walk again.  Send me help in the form of leg stretches so this doesn’t happen again:

READING:  Feminist blogs!  You guys have no idea how happy you make me.  For years I googled helplessly, “Funny feminist blogs,” and  lamented the lack of the category on Bloglovin’.  Thank you to Little Yellow Butterflies, Big Fashionista, and A Tiny Mew, to name just a few of the awesome blogs I’ve discovered this month that have made me want to hug my laptop to my bosom and yell “SISTERS!!!!”.  Beginner-blogger me could only have dreamt one day to read such thought-provoking and honest content in the blogosphere!  You guys are the greatest!  Check them out and go follow!    

THINKING ABOUT:  So many ideas!  I have so many drafts started in my drafts folder, emails filled with video ideas, Twitter jokes in drafts waiting for “the right moment.”  I’m bursting with creativity lately and I’m so happy about it!

EATING:  Boyfriend is obsessed with fish lately.  He’s been picking up frozen fish and cooking it (he’s the greatest for these and many more reasons) for dinners during the week.  Mahi Mahi burgers, Barramundi fillets, cod chunks (which was tastier than it sounds, and I know, it sounds a bit off-putting).! 

Valentines Day!  After Halloween, it’s my second-favourite Holiday!  I think I just like the color red?  Call me a weirdo but I love seeing all the hearts and pink and flowers in stores.  I walked into Rite Aid and their Valentines display is up front, and they were playing “Linger” by The Cranberries, and I squealed out loud (then apologized to the startled cashier) and screamed “IT IS SO ROMANTIC IN HERE!!!”  Love and romance are my favourite things in life (they’re free haha) so of course I would love a holiday celebrating all the mushy stuff! Who’s with me?

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Getting out and exploring, even though it is quite slushy.  Having my ukulele re-strung and tuned (oh boy!).  Trader Joe’s truffle cheese (O-o)!  Lastly, shout-out to the peaches at Femnasty – I could gush for hours about how smart, bold, and clever they are and how thrilled I am to be a part of the team but OH HEY, I already did that!  I can’t tell you how good it feels to be doing something I love and believe in for such a supportive and encouraging group of people!  If you wanna read some wild stuff, you gotta check it out, guys!


2 responses to “Currently… in February 2016”

  1. I really like Valentines Day too! I mean, why not?? It's so pretty and fun! We use it as an excuse to go all out with a really good, fancy home cooked dinner. 😀

    1. Oooh that sounds like a good plan! I think I can swing that! I love it only for the reason to wear red and pink together!! What's on the menu for this Valentine's Day? I'm not gonna copy you, I promise!

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