Dream Journal Ultimate


Every so often, I discover an app that totally changes my life.



I’m been using this app for the past four months, and I’ve logged well over a hundred dreams on it! I’ve always *wanted* to keep a dream journal, but never *really* been able to commit to it. Having one on my phone has helped me stick to it.


YES, YES, I KNOW: Dream Journal Purists are tearing their hair out right now, because the “RIGHT WAY” to journal your dreams is on paper. Preferably, hand-made paper with wildflowers pressed into the pulp, and with an enchanted feather dipped in ink made from crushed berries picked from a riverbed to the dulcet tunes of a lute being played.


Okay.  But this is 2018.


Be honest: what’s the first thing you reach for when you wake up in the morning? (Dream Journal Purists answer: a glass of herbal sun tea that’s been brewing in the dawn light)




I don’t think I’m the only Millennial whose phone is also their alarm clock. Naturally, the first thing I do in the morning is grab my phone to silence my alarm, and THEN! While my phone is still in my hand, I open up this app, and journal my dream.


Now, here’s one drawback to the app: for some reason, it seems as though the autocorrect feature on my phone doesn’t work as well in the app? Or maybe I just have very sloppy early-morning fingers, but when I read back on my past logs, they’re peppered with gibberish and spelling mistakes. Whatever!


Point is, I’m finally able to stick to a Dream Journal, and it’s all thanks to this app. Strong recommend! Give it a try!


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