Free The Museums!!! A Handy Guide To Hunting Down The Finest (And Free-est) Museums In NYC


TBH, I’m always stumped when people ask me what my “hobbies” are.

Like… I’m an adult??? I don’t have hobbies???


My jobs are so amazing, they can sometimes feel like hobbies (paranormal, true crime, arts and crafts, these are hobbies!). And then I’m like, “What do I do outside of work that counts as a hobby?” and all I can think of is like, watching TV? Eating food? Doing my laundry? I seriously idk.


I think I really only have one true hobby, which is this:




If you’re a New Yorker, there are a few free museums you can visit any time. Well, they’re not exactly free, they’re free*. They’re “suggested donation” museums, which is basically free. If you live in the city, the big two museums are always suggested donation for you:



And let’s not forget my favorite museum in the whole city!


  • MoMA PS1free admission with a NYC identification (Driver’s License or NYC ID)



Very cool, but quite easy, to be honest. I mean, great that they’re free, but where’s the sport? Hunting free museums gets complicated when you take into account that some museums can be free, some of the time, if you know when to visit, like:



These are all museums I’ve either been to, or are on my list of museums I’m itching to visit! There’s a more complete list here to sift through if you’re desperate for new ideas of places to go!


But what if you’re impatient, and can’t just wait for a free day to visit one of these museums? Also, what if you work Fridays/Saturdays at night, and your chances of visiting during the most popular “free” hours are slim to nil? I feel your pain. LUCKILY! You can now reserve free passes to local museums using your library card! It’s called Culture Pass, and you can learn more about it by clicking! I just learned about this last night, and I haven’t actually tried it yet, so I’m not clear on how easy it is, but I’m oozing with excitement at how easy this seems!


Happy Hunting!




2 responses to “Free The Museums!!! A Handy Guide To Hunting Down The Finest (And Free-est) Museums In NYC”

  1. Peter Tarantelli Avatar
    Peter Tarantelli

    WOW…that’s quite a long list!

  2. […] services I subscribe to. And if I have the day off, I’m probably going to find my way to a museum! Curiosity follows me everywhere: if I hear about something I don’t know about, Wikipedia is […]

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