Currently… in July 2018


FEELING:  Overall? Secure. “SECURE,” y’all!!! Do you have any idea how significant that word is? That’s INCREDIBLE. I can’t remember the last time I felt SECURE, okay? Maybe like, 2014. I’M DEAD SERIOUS. I sought a word for how good I’m feeling, and the one that summed it up best was “SECURE.” I’m beside myself. I wanna grab that “SECURE” and hold it close to my chest like a golden trophy and wail “THANK YOU!!!” to the Universe. Wow. We really did it.


WATCHING: I’m gross: my two favorite reality shows aren’t doing it for me anymore: RuPaul’s Drag Race is winding down and I honestly don’t feel strongly about who wins (Sasha Velour 4Ever My Queen), and The Bachelorette is pretty boring this season (I don’t know a single goddamn thing about Becca, like, WHO IS SHE? I’ve been watching the show, you guys, and I still have no fucking clue who she is. Gross). I’ve been watching The Profit and Top Chef a lot instead! Also, I had a beautifully lazy weekend with my fella and we watched both The Fly AND The Big Sick, both of which were a bit painful to watch at times but also really GREAT films.


LISTENING TO:  My two top fave crime podcasts are on hiatus for now: Casefile and Sword & Scale – but I await their return in July most eagerly! You Must Remember This is returning in July as well, and I’m SO curious to see where this new “season” is going! I’m still working my way through The Last Podcast On The Left, and I heard an AMAZING episode of Radiolab at work that was absolutely mind-blowing (please listen!).


WORKING ON:  The studio has been so busy, and so fulfilling. I love getting work done, and we’ve been knocking lots of projects out and organizing the studio! Tours this month have been so much fun, and I’m really pushing myself as a performer and enjoying every aspect of it. I’m organizing my bedroom to put my air conditioner in the window. And we just had that primary election, which I worked! I’d say I’ve been “working hard, playing hard” but I’ve not been “playing hard” at all – I’ve been playing soft and eating cakes and spending entire Saturdays in bed 😉


THINKING ABOUT:  Well, um, my newfound sense of security! Thinking about what it means to be happy, secure, safe, and stable. And hey? What’s love got to do with it? And how to be the best me that I can be.


EATING:  Wow. WELL. I’ve been living quite deliciously as I’ve been very spoiled this past month by a certain someone who has been cooking me elaborate gluten-free breakfasts every morning, and treating me with my favorite snacks all night. Routine is OUT the window, and that’s so okay! I’ve also enjoyed those Trader Joe’s “tiny avocados” and making myself single-servings of avocado toast!


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  I’m just looking forward to so much. Work days. Days off. Holidays. Birthday – End of this month! Important days.     


MAKING ME HAPPY:  Working hard and reaping the fruits of my labor. Making people smile and laugh on my tours and at the polling place. And then, there’s the guy who’s been making ME laugh. I am just really happy where I am right now. I’ve been letting go of some of the rigidity of my routine in order to make room for more possibilities, and I’m so happy about that.


2 responses to “Currently… in July 2018”

  1. chelsea w Avatar
    chelsea w

    Somebody call SECURITYYYYY cause girlll this post is threatening to beat me up……with happiness!! Loved reading this so much. Just wanted to say that! Also, The Fly is one of my favorite movies. Jeff Goldblum and grossness? I’ll take it! The sequel is pretty darn gross too…like extra gross…but not so…FLY. Get it? The Big Sick is really good too. I think I’ve mentioned this before on here, but I have a chronic illness so even though I haven’t went through anything near as traumatic as what she did, I still felt like I could relate kinda? But maybe that’s just because I read a lot of her interviews and stuff. It also is a film (and a real life situation) that made me hopeful that I can actually find someone who will be there for me in “chronic illness hardships” who isn’t my parent. /RANT OVER. Back to your happiness!!!

  2. […] would figure that, as soon as my life starts going Really Well, I’d begin getting random, life-halting panic […]

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