GOOD NEWS! Have Your Pussy and Eat Cake Too


Ummm, I started this draft when I was on my period and craving cake, and I saw these vulva cupcakes and WOAH. Yes. Yum. Please (via MetroUK).


This week (yesterday!) was International Women’s Day, which I have complicated feelings about now?

Because I feel like it’s largely co-opted by able-bodied cis white women as an excuse to pat themselves on the back without actually examining the progress they actually have to make? But whatever. Happy Women’s Day to everyone who’s a woman. I guess I identify as female, but I got the “icks” thinking about it, so I’m playing it low-key like Jeffrey on Pride.


I’ve been busy, back in the studio, the weather’s gone freezing again, and I have one arm wrapped around my ceramic heater to pull it close to mine bosom, in the hopes of thawing out. It took everything in me to get out of bed and go into the frigid bathroom to take a cold shower this morning, and I’m still chilled to the bone. There’s not a lot of awesome fun stuff to talk about this week, so I leave you with this music video. It all started when we were talking about needing “rubber boots” for the snow/slush/giant Puddles of Indeterminate Depth™ outside the studio, and it led to this. Please enjoy, and please have a better weekend than I’m about to have:



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