GOOD NEWS! Mermaids DO Exist!


Can you believe that’s the week, done and dusted? I’m finally starting to feel better from this cold and then WHAM!, I get this massive (painful!) zit on my upper lip under my nose. It’s the WORST. I have a derm appointment on Monday of next week, right after my first appointment with my new therapist, all of which I’m pretty nervous about, to be honest! But I’m so ready to see the derm, because after my last appointment, the psoriasis under my arms has come back and I’ve basically had scaly, itchy, searing painful armpits since then. I’m ready for a cure. And I’m ready for the weekend! But first, a little fun:


First of ALL, check out my OTV piece for this month, “Just A Phase.” I promise mortifying photos of me.

I heard you liked avocado toast AND Star Wars, so here is an avocado toast in the likeness of Jabba the Hutt. With tutorial!

This McSweeney’s about the heroine of rom-coms is spot-on and everything that irritates me about the genre.

Sylvia Killingsworth wrote about the Pizza Rat. Like, two years ago. But it’s still flawless.

And this Bored Panda article highlighting r/ShittyLifeProTips is worth a flip through for these TERRIBLE life hacks!


I just started following Stella Max, this adorable pig, after reading about her on The Hairpin. Maybe I scrolled through her whole feed and deep-liked some pics…??



This video has surely broken the Internet this week. She is a #flawless mermaid.



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