GOOD NEWS! Burning Man is nigh!!!

You guys, I am literally in Reno right now. Yesterday my bf and I ran ALMOST ALL of our errands, and today we have a relaxed fun day planned of vintage shopping, In & Out, and Wal-Mart. I’m also hoping for a manicure but I won’t press my luck.

I know it’s been quiet here, I’ve fallen out of love with blogging recently. I know that’s really trendy to say, though, I am on the verge of my period and I always have the hardest time stringing two words together when I’m premenstrual.

Add to that the fact that I’ve been packing & unpacking & repacking everything a million times, working this week, and scrambling to be ready to be out of town for nearly three weeks (or what feels like a month) — I really haven’t had a lot of time to put effort into blogging but here are some things that made me smile this week:



This horse takes no shit:





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