GOOD NEWS! Two Trader Joe’s Employees Did Not Believe Me When I Said I’m Turning 33 This Weekend (and then they gave me two dozen stickers)!!!!

Woah okay HI HELLO! This week has been so fast and furious (?) that here I am, Friday morning, just now attempting to cobble together my usual weekly roundup — the weekly roundup that I usually start curating as soon as the previous one gets published, so, like, Saturday morning?

Except I spent my weekend working while recovering from being really, really ill on Friday. We worked SUPER HARD all through Tuesday. See those respirator marks on my face?!?

Then on Wednesday, I got a haircut! My friend who works at a premium salon used me as a hair model and I’m so thrilled with how nice my hair feels now without the split ends (the last time I got a haircut was oh, last September?) and I can’t stop checking it out in shop windows! Therapy right after was really interesting and challenging, and I’m excited to work on my “assignment” for the week. Yesterday (Thursday) I had my yearly re-training 4 hour course & certification test for the Board of Elections, and there’s gonna be THREEEEEE elections this fall! I love working my local poll site. It’s a LONG DAY, and it can be pretty stressful from 5:00-6:00am trying to set up in just an hour, but I love doing it and it fills me with civic pride and if you can spare the time, you should totally do it!

And today….drumroll…we’re leaving to go upstate to a cabin for birthday weekend! Even though my birthday is Monday and my boyfriend’s is Tuesday, but in years past it’s worked out that our birthdays are both over the weekend…oh well… we’re going to celebrate over the weekend! I’m looking forward to relaxing, boats, fishing, and hopefully sleeping in! This week has been SO stressful, constantly worrying about losing my healthcare. The daily midnight attempts to steal everyone’s healthcare away while they’re sleeping have been really wearing on me. Like, what the hell is happening? Is this real life? Is this going to be forever? The bittersweet thing about going away (out of cell reception) for three days is that I’m terrified we’ll come home to World War III.  OOF!


Ok now, here’s a couple of nice things I’d like to share with you from the Internet:


I just followed this Twitter bot, Pleasant Subtweets, because it’s nice to have a tweet pop up every once in a while that isn’t blaring alarm bells that force me to Google “WTF is John McCain doing now?” Sorry, sorry, it’s taking me a while to get over it all.


Okay literally this tweet made me cry real tears, because OMG, I totally relate to Ted all the time. Trying my best! Just end up with a dirty head. “But it’s ok!”

“I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat…because Zoey wants one and dammit, I can’t say NO to those eyes!”

I cannot tell a lie, I totally watched this video at least three times (with the sound up!) because it was so dramatic!!!!


Have you heard about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library??? It made me weep with joy this week.

Ok everyone, hopefully we can keep ahold of our health care until I get back into cell range. Enjoy the weekend and leave me BIRTHDAY WISHES in the comments to read when I get back!


One response to “GOOD NEWS! Two Trader Joe’s Employees Did Not Believe Me When I Said I’m Turning 33 This Weekend (and then they gave me two dozen stickers)!!!!”

  1. Bookreeader Avatar

    I hope you are having a FABULOUS birthday weekend! Happy birthday to you both! And I need to see this haircut!

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