OH my gosh y’all I have been neglecting this blog.  I think I’ve just been writing so damn much for everyone else (ha!) that I forgot to make space to write for myself.  On that note, I’m particularly proud of a couple of my pieces, and I’d love to share them with you (also as proof of how busy I am?):

Over at BUST, there’s been a lot going on:

Need a new period tracking app? We Tried 8 Period Tracking Apps — Here’s How They Held Up.  By “we” they mean “I”.  Also click for Monty Python references.

I can’t get over this “bathroom bill” issue, y’all, it’s totally GARBAGE.  Let’s get up to date on everything that’s happened since HB2 passed — with Shirley Manson and GIFs: We Need To Have A Potty Talk: What’s The Deal With Bathroom Bills?

I have been so fortunate that my internship has allowed me to force cool people to talk to me meet so many interesting people and no more so than the 6 artists who were kind enough to let me share their artwork in my list of 6 Body Positive Illustrators You Need To Know About, and Madeleine Holden of ‘Critique My Dick Pic’ Is A Body-Positive Approach To Sexting: BUST Interview (NSFW).

remember when I shared this #tbt photo of my in 2008 on BUST? I’ll never forget.

Okay and finally, my favorite listicle is still my first listicle, 16 Nostalgic Hair Accessories From The 90’s And Where Are They Now.  If you like 90s listicles, period talk, and political rants with GIFs, stay up to date by liking BUST’s Facebook page (I’d be personally chuffed if you did, since 3/5 days of the week I’m the one manning the page and fielding all the comments, so drop something nice when you get the chance)!!!

Ooooookay now over on Femnasty, I’ve been keeping up a weekly posting schedule on Thursdays and I’m so proud to say I haven’t missed a Thursday yet!  Which is monumental, because of how fucking busy I’ve been!  

Researching Free the Maxi Pads! was a huge eye-opener for me, I had no idea it was so hard to get a fuckin’ tampon in this world.  It’s mostly sarcastic (what? sarcastic? me?), but this is an issue I care pretty deeply about, so check it out if you bleed!

I love discussing Cultural Appropriation: What Is It? with people because like…nobody knows.  Not even the wokest motherfuckers can give me a straight answer.  Maybe that’s okay.  Let’s discuss why it’s so hard to define and keep talking about it!

I’ve had Prom on the brain, hence, This Prom Is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S, in which we discuss early 00s prom dress styles, purity pledges, and erotic banana-eating videos!  Basically, all the sexiest stuff.

Oh and just so you don’t feel cheated by this links roundup post, I’d like to share something deeply fucking personal with all of you:  so another thing that’s been keeping me so so so so so busy is that I’ve been attending weekly therapy sessions and we’ve gotten past the “getting to know you” stage and into the “OMG WTF is wrong with you” stage.  The last couple weeks have been REALLY hard, and I reached a seriously low point at the end of last week.  This week, things have started getting better, and my therapist recommended an app to me that’s absolutely contributing to that.  It’s called CBT Thought Record Diary, and it’s kind of like carrying my therapist in my pocket everywhere.  Wait.  What?  That sounds disturbing.  Uh, anyway, it’s been so helpful to recognize that I’m starting to get anxious or upset or ragey, to make note of it, then practice the techniques she’s taught me in our sessions.  Yo, if you’re doing CBT talk therapy, you might want to check it out.  I’m not recommending it instead of therapy, but it’s really been a help to me this week.  Look at me writing instead of dwelling!  

Anyway, hope your weeks have been good, all!  I’ve just finished cleaning the kitchen and now I have to touch up my roots before my tour tonight, because tomorrow we’re heading up to Boston at 7am to attend a wedding BBQ!  Shit guys, WHAT DO I WEAR?  This weather has been so mercurial (ha), I’m trying to choose between like 4 different dresses.  Ugh.  See you again SOON — I promise!


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