Currently… in April 2016

FEELING:  Very positive!  I’ve been soooo busy, and busy seems to be good for me.

WATCHING: RuPaul’s Drag Race has been making my LIFE!  I feel like this is the best season in a few years – maybe since Sharon Needles and everything!  There are some REALLY STRONG competitors and I have my favourites (cough all the New York queens cough) but I’m on the edge of my seat.  Me & the BF watched all the movies in The Hunger Games series last weekend and whoa, I was not expecting them to be so good! 

LISTENING TO:  I’ve been listening to something different on the train every morning these days.  Talking Heads, The Smiths, The Beatles – it seems like every day it’s something new!

READING:  I just started The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and it’s not the same as my typical Heinlein fare, but I’m enjoying it and it makes my commute shorter and more enjoyable because… 

WORKING ON:  I JUST STARTED AN INTERNSHIP AT BUST MAGAZINE!  I get to write pieces for their blog – so keep your eyes peeled!  “Like” us on Facebook (or friend me, geez, there’s a little circle right up there on the left, click it!)  I can’t believe how much writing I am doing, and I LOVE IT.. 

THINKING ABOUT:  Next moves, parries and thrusts.  Career-wise!  Also haunted by the failures of my past, which is why therapy is still happening.

EATING:  So well lately – get ready – this past weekend has been culinarily indulgent!  Friday night I got GF pizza at Vinnie’s and it was out of this world.  Saturday night we used a gift certificate at a local restaurant Wild and I had GF mushroom pasta and BF had salmon – it was unreal, so delicate and flavorful, right?  THEN, on Sunday, we went to the New York Botanical Garden, and ate at their cafe and can I just say WOW?!?  We had fish tartare in a shell of avocado with apple, grits with mushrooms, and a flawlessly cooked octopus tentacle with peppers over black eyed peas. Whew!

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  More ghost tours as weather warms up, and how about the weather ACTUALLY WARMING UP?  I planted some herb seedlings and I can’t wait for full-fledged herbs!  Looks like we’re finally going to put our office room together, and I’m going to start shooting videos for this blog (and you’re gonna love it, believe me)!

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Working and winning, feeling like I’m part of the world again.  Hope is back.  Doubt is receding.  I feel like I’ve found a good place for now.


5 responses to “Currently… in April 2016”

  1. The internship sounds awesome! Congrats!

    1. Thank you so much! I applied for it a long time ago and it is frankly kicking my ass!!! But I really love it!

  2. I love this! It sounds like things are going really well for you!! This makes me very happy 🙂 Congratulations on the internship! How amazing!!

    1. Thank you so much! It's definitely a huge change, but an overall positive one!

  3. NY Botanical in Bx, not Brooklyn Botanical, like, right next door?

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