Currently… in January 2016

FEELING:  I brought a head cold home with me from Christmas, and it’s knocking me out big time!  I’ve been sick for five days, and I’m so over it.

WATCHING:  My boyfriend and I have been watching Jessica Jones together, and sometimes Star Trek: The Next Generation.  On my own, I am so excited that Sailor Stars have finally hit Hulu Plus!  “Search for your love!”  Can’t wait for the Seiya/Usagi dramz!  We spent NYE watching Dark Matter, and I’m so hooked!

LISTENING TO:  I’ve been putting my Pandora radio stations on Shuffle and letting it go – lots of 90’s pop comes up.  I’ve also been listening to Fiona Apple, she;s darkly fascinating.

READING:  I’m horrible, I haven’t been reading anything lately.

THINKING ABOUT:  Brace yourself, this is going to be depressing:  I’m thinking about packing it in on this whole “blogging” thing.  It’s not fun anymore, at least as I’m experiencing it.  It’s like a boring popularity contest and I don’t get as much out of it.  One of my favourite blogs, The Hairpin, is in limbo and it feels very symbolic of what the internet has become:  clickbait and boring repetitions of things that go “viral.”  The creativity is gone, there’s nothing interesting to read, and it’s almost not worth it anymore.  I used to love reading blogs, but now that brands have stepped in, it’s just like one looooong commercial break.  I love writing, I just don’t think this is the medium for me anymore.  You know the old story about doing shit you don’t like just to be popular?  That’s what blogging feels like to me now.  I’m too old and tired to lick boots to fit in or to change who I am, and that’s going to be really unfortunate for me.

EATING:  I have been craving yogurt so much lately.  Have you tried Noosa?  Oh, it’s the best yogurt out there! 

Joshua Tree!  For MLK weekend, a whole bunch of peeps and my boyfriend and I are flying out to Cali and renting a house to explore the national park!  I’ve never been to LA before, so I’m crazy excited!  Also, I finally got that dermatologist appointment, and I was given a bunch of prescriptions.  I know it’s been less than a week, but I’m looking forward to results someday!

MAKING ME HAPPY:  My health insurance was cancelled, but now it’s back on, and I can’t wait to get in to see a therapist.


6 responses to “Currently… in January 2016”

  1. Nooooo don't stop writing I love your blog!!
    Laura x

    1. Thank you so much. I don't intend to give up the blog, I'm just wondering what I want from it and how to cope with the changes in the blogging world. You know? It's like doing something for so long and then finding out that the rules have changed. I'm still figuring it out, but thank you so much for your compliment!!

  2. I love your blog, but write what makes you happy. If you want to try to find something more fun, read/do The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. It's 30 days of writing and activities to awaken your inner child/inner artist.
    And I feel I need to work another slash into this.
    Enjoy your vacation/doctors visits. The slash was a stretch, but it's heartfelt.

    1. Thanks! I think I might do "The Artist's Way," it came up a while back as something my boyfriend wanted to do and he said it might be fun to both go through it together! I got codeine from the doctor, so that's going to be fun, at least. And an antibiotic, so hopefully I'll be feeling better in five days! I really want to continue blogging, but I think it will be less often, longer pieces – "blogging" currently has this connotation of being "reviews in exchange for free products" and that's not what I do, now, is it? SO I'm thinking of rebranding (ick, that word tasted awful) as an "online humor essayist" instead of a "blogger." Since the term has changed, even though I haven't…allright allright allright…

  3. I really enjoyed this post, you should do it as like a tag or something because I'd really like to give this post a try. I think it's quite interesting to find out what people are loving/disliking right now. Can I credit you and do this post myself? It's okay if you say no but thank you for the post anyway x


    1. Absolutely! I found this format (& tweaked it slightly) via Sometimes Sweet [] like years ago, but I think she was tagged from someone else…how DO these things get started? But yes please, do the "Currently"!

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