5 Fandom Friday: Other People’s Puppies

Rules were made to be broken, nerds!  Since I missed last week because I was, you know, up at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, turning 31, I decided to backtrack this week and cover last week’s topic.  And do it a little differently.  Basically, today I’m going to tell you about my favourite dogs I follow on Instagram.  Because I’m down with OPP – Other People’s Puppies, of course!  And you will be too, after today!

1.  Pirate Pug Jack  @piratepugjack  he is a one-eyed pug I’ve been Insta-stalking since I got an iPhone in 2012 – in dog years, that’s like 21 Instagram stalking years!  Don’t you just want to nuzzle that squishy face??

2.  Waffles  @_wafflesthesheltie  loves to swim and I love the swimming pictures!  He’s always caught looking totally handsome, or beyond goofy.  Guess which one I like best.  FALSE!  I love them both!!!

3.  Hugo  @my_pug_hugo  has THE ACTUAL DEFINITION of sad puppy eyes.  His very existence gives meaning to “Awwwwwww!”  Admit it!  You want to cradle him like a baby until he’s not sad-eyed anymore!  You can’t deny it!  It’s too powerful!!

4.  Marnie  @marniethedog  is a senior dog and her Instagram account of her adventures is totally hilarious.  She’s basically the Betty White of dogs with Instagram accounts.  I love her “voice” and her videos are hilarious and I just want to follow her around while she “takes selfies” in a mirror all day!!

5.  Franklin  @franklinthepig
  lives down the road from me so I can see him whenever I want!  That’s right!  Move aside, Babe, Pig in the City, Franklin is a Brooklyn pig and a celebrity in his own right!  No brunch outing to Williamsburg is complete without a stop to Crest Hardware to pet this city slickin’ snout!

Okay, so I broke the rules of the game.  But hopefully, after cruising the ‘grams of these adorables pups (and pig!) you’ll forgive me!


8 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Other People’s Puppies”

  1. Love this. So cute. I IG stalk a Maltese in Asia named Bunja. He's a rescue and the cutest thing you've seen.

    1. I have to look him up! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Too cute!! I definitely insta-stalk other people's pups too…who can resist, though?!

    1. It's the next best thing to having one of your own…when you can't have one of your own 🙁

  3. All of the sweet faces!

    1. I can't get enough! I also follow @corgisofinstagram and @pugsofinstagram and feel a twinge of guilt but I can't stop won't stop.

  4. Pirate Pug Jack is my fave. What a cutie!

    1. Like, he has ONE EYE. Therefore, HE IS A PIRATE! Also, dat tongue tho.

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