5 Fandom Friday: Con Swag

Speaking of Con Loot, everyone’s pictures of SDCC looked so fun and yes, I fell for the internet prank of the Firefly cast reuniting.  Quick subject change!  Showing off some of the cool swag I’ve bought myself at NYCC:

1.  Dalek shirt 
which is so soft and comfortable and lovely!!!  Also hilarious because when I was teaching, I felt like I was screeching in a monotone and hated all of humanity – IRONY!

2.  Unicorns  buying unicorns at Con is a tradition for me now.  I’ve been three times.  I have three unicorns.  Do the math.

3.  K-9  was such an impulse buy because I was dressed up as the Fourth Doctor, and I was like “I need a prop!” and so there ya go.  Oh, impulse control and cons do not mix well.

4.  Pinkie Pie t-shirt  has an overly-excited Pinkie Pie.  I mean, you just can’t explain the happiness Pinkie Pie brings.  You have to experience it yourself.

5.  Doctor Who blind box minifigs – Pertwee and McCoy!  so I realize now that I get really excited by allllll the Doctor Who merch at cons and that explains more than half of this list.  Whoopsie!  No regrets.  I can’t wait to get the shelving up in the office to organize all my books stage elaborate fight sequences between these two doctors and Dalek minifigs!


7 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Con Swag”

  1. That unicorn is adorable and I need it.

  2. That K-9 is perfect! I love it!

  3. I need that dalek shirt and K-9 in my life! Sooooo cute!!!

  4. Yay for unicorns and you Dr cosplay is perfect!
    xx mal @ http://www.badwolfbrunch.com

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment! My hair was SO CURLY that morning, it really fell by the time this picture was taken, but man did that big bush of hair get stares on the subway!!

  5. I need one unicorn like that!!!!!

    1. They're blind box toys, so you never know which one you're going to get! I have three of them and they're all super cute. I have to restrain myself from buying them outside of NYCC because if I didn't I'd have a small fortune in Unicornos.

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