5 Fandom Friday: Goin’ to Con

Oh me oh my, in my little life I’ve only ever been to the last 3 NYCC’s!  This prompt was hard to figure out because I’m not really sure what’s out there as far as Cons even GO, so I included some other fandom-related places I’d like to go as well.

1.  NYCC ’15  is a given, Hello, DUH!  Last year I really loved NYCC more than ever before – we really should keep this ball rolling, yeah?

2.  San Diego Comic Con  is everyone’s dream, right?  I’ve never been but I hear tales told of how uplifting, warm, and welcoming the con is and oh hey not to mention a trip out Californy-way does sure sound appealing to a NYer in the middle of Januareyoukiddingme it’s freakin’ cold!  So yeah.


3.  The Doctor Who Experience
  is in Cardiff (ha! Cardiff) so it’s not as easy to attend but is now on my bucket list after reading online reviews!  Bessie!  Daleks!  DAVROS?!  Makes me wanna cuddle up with some classic Who for the rest of the afternoon…

4.  The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  made it onto my list of must-sees after seeing someone’s Instagrams of their visit over the holidays.  How sweet would it be to spend a day indulging my inner child on Butterbeer and roller coasters?

5.  Jack the Ripper Tour of London
  as a tour guide – a ghost tour guide, no less – I’m always getting asked if I’ve ever been on any other ghost tours and the sad fact is no.  Logistically, it’s impossible: if I were to go on other tours, who would give my tours?  Right?  Logic, people.  But if possible, Jack the Ripper ranks high on the list of tours I’d like to take – a geographically more likely alternative would be a historical tour of Boston or the Amityville Horror house.

I’m curious to hear what conventions everyone else is dying to attend/planning to attend this year!


7 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Goin’ to Con”

  1. The Doctor Who Experience is so amazing! It's a definite must for Whovians! 🙂

  2. I plan on going on a Jack the Ripper tour when I go to London this year! Maybe while checking out other Fandom 5 lists you'll find some more conventions to check out!

  3. OK I love this list! I would love to go to NYCC one year!!! The DW Experience is COMPLETELY worth it! I did it last Christmas and weeped with joy and also blogged about it! Good luck this year! xx

  4. I would LOVE to hit up the Doctor Who Experience!

  5. That Jack the Ripper Tour sounds badass! I might get scared and start crying but I'm sure it'd be worth it.

  6. Jack the Ripper Tour of London is on my wishlist now!!

  7. I've been to San Diego Comic Con, but never NYCC and would love to go. And not to rub it in, but it was almost 80 degrees this past weekend in Southern California (which kinda made coming home to Northern California's foggy 50 degrees….

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