Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Apple-Strawberry & Apple-Coconut Bars

Trader Joe’s Apple-Strawberry & Apple-Coconut Bars

Tastes Like:  Solid applesauce.  Like a solid form of applesauce, if you can grok such a thing!  The Apple-Strawberry flavor has just a hint of tart, berry sweetness to it while the Apple-Coconut flavor is packed with dried coconut flakes!

Great With:  Oh, these guys need no introduction.  They are the opener AND the closer.  The end.

Perfect For:  Emergency snack attack!  You know, when you get out of work, have to run errands, and realize it’s been hours (hours!) since you’ve eaten and suddenly all the tourists turn into grotesque gargoyles and the cabs morph into horrible dragons and the crowd sweeps you along like a horrible tsunami and you’re like HOLY CRAP I NEED A SNACK!  That thing.  There, there.  It’ll be okay.  Eat this.

Must Know:  these are gluten-free AND vegan, in case you have those predilections.  Two ingredients, guys.  Apple + [other fruit].  Also, you might want to know that the Apple-Coconut flavor tends to result in lots of pieces of coconut getting jammed into my teeth, which is not that bad, but if you’re self-conscious, you know, just make sure that the person you’re making out with is ALSO a coconut fan.

$.99 per bar, like the Apple-Banana and Apple-Mango Bars I reviewed months (months!) ago.  Yes, a little steep, but as a Low-Blood-Sugar life-saver, it’s worth it to have one in your bag at all times.


One response to “Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Apple-Strawberry & Apple-Coconut Bars”

  1. You really need to contact Trader Joe's. I can totally see your reviews hovering over the products in their stores!

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