Batgirl #37: Gaga for Banksy

I’m gonna say it, I think Batgirl #37 was the best Burnside Batgirl issue yet!  You know that saying, don’t judge a book by its cover?  That absolutely applies here.  The first few pages are definitely…a little off-putting.  Selfie!  Kawaii!  Poker face!  Erm, yeah, maybe not… 

Not at first, anyway.  Then slowly, subtly, the issue lampoons the “Selfie Generation” by exposing us to a secretive performance artist seriously, how very Brooklyn can you get?  obsessed with Batgirl, then through the ups and downs of fame in the public eye, to branding?  I mean, this Batgirl is on the button of modern life!

Along with this super harrowing image:

We finally get a reference to the Oracle days!  Batgirl purists should be pleased!  Because you’re about to be stuck with more ga-ga hearts:

THE BLUSHIE HEARTS!  Ugh.  Okay, here’s my feeling on the blushie hearts.  This new Batgirl has a sort of anime feel, and anime is very big on showing people’s inner thoughts with doodles and goofy faces, right?  I’ve made peace with the blushie hearts and what they imply:  Batgirl is a little boy-crazy, and I’m totally fine with that.  I would like to see her have an actual romantic storyline down the line, how great would that be!  I would love to see Batgirl Babs of Burnside on a date.  I’m totally warming up to this “new” character.  I just hope they continue to add interesting dimensions to her as the issues wear on.

SO.  Three issues in Burnside down, and I’m a fan.  I think I officially like this new take on Batgirl, look forward to seeing more topical cultural references in her issues, and want to see more “Brooklyn” emerge through Babs’ eyes.


9 responses to “Batgirl #37: Gaga for Banksy”

  1. I really want to pick up this "new" Batgirl. I might just wait until the trade is out!

    1. It's annoying to wait a whole month between issues – you want to just read straight through! However, I will say this: unlike some other comics I'm reading (cough Batman, cough Secret Six) where they leave you on a cliffhanger and you feel unsettled, these first few issues are complete stories in themselves so you're not like "GARRRR I GOTTA FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS!" but like "That one was GREAT! I can't wait to see what happens NEXT!"

  2. I grabbed issue 35 and really enjoyed it. I'm waiting on the trade since I am running out of room for my single issues but this one looks really good!

    1. I read it on my iPhone through the DC Comics app – I love that because once you buy it, it stores it on your "virtual bookshelf". You can delete the issue off your phone (to save space) and re-download it later if you want. The way of the future!

  3. She's so cute! I love the whole look of this issue.

    1. Babs Tarr's artwork is so distinctive and adorable. It reminds me sometimes of pinups and sometimes of anime. Her style is beautiful!

  4. I am LOVING the new batgirl. DC seemed to make the whole world depressing after the new 52. It's so great to see colour and fun back in comics and I LOVED the Jawbreakers in issue #36

    1. 100% agree here. I also love how well they've captured the culture and feel of Brooklyn in "Burnside." It really speaks to me because it makes me love her fictional world, AND my own world that much more <3

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