Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…

There is, at my parents’ house, a trivet sitting on the stove, belonging to my father
and bearing this Elbert Hubbard quote:


As a kid, I thought it was funny.  
“Well, of course you don’t make it out alive…
That’s the point!”
As an adult, the saying has become a frightening warning.
It is a daily challenge.
Does this matter?  Does that matter?
Is it worth getting upset over a missed train, a bad haircut, a spilled coffee?

I’m really trying not to take my life too seriously, as my father – and that sage coaster – always urged.


6 responses to “Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…”

  1. Great advice! Instead of a warning, I see it as a bit of a dare … how much ridiculousness/fun can I fit into any given moment? Because those are when the best stories happen. 🙂

    1. YES! I once got a fortune cookie that said "Life to you is a bold and dashing adventure" and I try to look at it that way – like when I have to give a ghost tour in a lightning storm – it's thrilling!!! Like when I have to move all by myself – a test of my endurance! I see it like a movie: boring movies are ones where everyone is happy all the time. Somtimes, the characters gotta be chased by zombies! THEN it's a great movie!

  2. A very welcome reminder to soak up every moment and simply enjoy life! 🙂 There are so many nuggets of wisdom my parents once shared — or had on trivets, or magnets, or coasters… — that didn't make sense to me until I got much older myself! That would be one of them.

  3. So many, many things aren't worth getting upset over. Realizing that helps you go a long way in life! 🙂

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  4. What a great reminder! I think we all need that kind of kick in the pants sometimes. 🙂


  5. Just ask if it will matter 20 years from now…..If not, it's not worth worrying about!

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