5 years

On September 8th, 2008, my mother and I loaded up my van and took turns driving down to Forest Hills, Queens, for what has turned into the adventure of a lifetime.

To say that this anniversary is a big deal to me would be a gross understatement. Living here is the realization of a dream.  Every day gets better and better.  

I walk through Central Park nearly every day on my way to work

Any time I want to, I can be in Times Square, the most exciting intersection in the world.

On a normal day, this is my view:

I have two jobs that bring me a huge amount of joy and satisfaction, at the end of the day.  And I have met a dazzling array of interesting people who have enriched my life along the way.

Happy Five-Year Anniversary, New York City!  Every day I love you more and more. 

Yes, even you, Brooklyn.


3 responses to “5 years”

  1. Happy five year anniversary in NY! I'm glad you found the home of your heart. It looks like such an amazing town, and I hope that one day I can visit the Big Apple as well (after living in the "Little Apple" for 2 years).

  2. I can't wait to visit NY one day. Nice post, happy 5 years! When can you officially call yourself a New Yorker?


  3. It IS an amazing city…so happy you've been able to realize your dream!

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