Currently…in May 2013

Feeling:  Anxious for summer.  After this brutal week of lots of work (and still being sore from trapeze), next week I will have a much easier schedule.  I can’t wait to buy groceries at a regular store!

Watching:  Don’t judge me – Hole in the Wall.  By the time I get home from work, I have about an hour to get ready for bed, eat dinner, and relax before I pass out to start all over again.  I like my salads with a side of schadenfreude. 

Reading:  My ghost tour notes!  When I’m finished, I’m looking forward to starting The Great Gatsby, which I somehow never read, but have been hearing a lot about lately.

Thinking about:  Ghost stories.  All day, every day, until I nail both tours perfectly this weekend, I will be the crazy lady on the subway clutching her note cards and muttering under her breath about severed heads and angry mobs.

Eating:  Whenever I get the chance.  Trader Joe’s soups in a mug are great.  I can drink my food while I run around the house.

Looking forward to:  My next tattoo appointment exactly a month from today, ComicCon 3-day passes going on sale this Wednesday, having my evenings free!

Making me happy:  see above…anticipation!  Also how green the walk to work through Central Park has become, and when the subway platform is so quiet that you can hear the buzz of the flourescent lighting.


One response to “Currently…in May 2013”

  1. This is so funny because I've been watching Hole in the Wall too! It's a great show when you don't want to have to think about what's going on or keep up with a storyline. And it makes me laugh too.

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