Call It A Talent

Today’s Blog Every Day prompt is to sell yourself in 10 words or less.  I did it in 9.  I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:


8 responses to “Call It A Talent”

  1. Haha, such an original way to interpret this prompt!! Love it!


  2. Very cute post that made me LOL. SRSLY.

  3. You DO look great in hats!

  4. Love it! The hat is awesome, and it's not the usual ten bulletin points!

    1. Thank you! Looking good in hats is my best physical feature. Sometimes when I'm down on myself, I'll actually console myself by thinking "There, there…you look better in hats than most people." Weird, huh?

  5. That hat is amazing! I love hats 🙂

  6. I have never looked good in a hat, ever. I am jealous.

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